Iris Scanning By, rahul vijay 1
Introduction Biometrics provides a secure method of authentication and identification. Biometric identification utilises physiological and behavioural characteristics to authenticate a person’s identity. A biometric system can be divided into two stages: Enrolment module Identification module Biometric devices have three primary components : Automated mechanism Processing, Storage and comparison of image with a stored data Interfaces 2
Irises are one of the more accurate physiological characteristics that can be used. The probability of finding two people with identical iris pattern is almost zero. The iris-scan process begins with a photograph. 3
History In 1936 By Frank Burch. In 1987 By Aram Safir and Leonard Flom. In 1987 By John Daugman. In 1994 Basis for all iris recognition system & products. In 1996 By licensee sensar. Bet By NCR Corps & Diebold Corp. 4
What is Iris? 5 The iris is a protective internal organ of a eye, which appear as a colored disc, behind clear protective window of cornea, surrounded by white tissue of the eye.
Iris as Powerful Identifier The iris is called the living password because of its unique, random features. The probability that any two irises would be alike is one in 10 to 78th power. Iris artificial duplication is virtually impossible. 6
Working Of Iris Scanning 7
Image Acquisition 8
Image acquisition using visible light: 9 Using visible light the texture information obtained is less. The different layers are visible while using visible light.
Image acquisition using infrared light: A better texture information is obtained using infrared light. It gives more precise data for comparison. 10
Iris Imaging Position Your eye 10 to 15 centimetres from the iris scanner. Make sure that you can only see one eye in the LCD display of the iris scanner. If you feel that one eye is giving you more trouble than the other, always use the other eye. Keep your eye still during the scan. Stand still until the computer indicates identification is completed. 11
Iris localization The process of obtaining picture of iris only is called localization. Delimits the iris from the rest of the acquired image To identify the approximately concentric circular outer boundaries of the iris and the pupil in a photo of an eye using DAUGMAN’S ALGORITHM Exclude eyelids, eyelashes and pupil also. 12
Feature Encoding After localization iris code is computed based on information received from GABOR WAVELETS. GABOR WAVELETS are specialized filter banks that extract information from signal at various locations and scales. The IRIS CODE is calculated using 8 circular bands that has been adjusted to iris and pupil boundary. Iris recognition tech converts visible characteristic of iris into 512 bit iris code, these templates are stored for future verification attempts. 13
Pattern Matching Live Iris code of the iris presented for authentication is compared with iris code stored in the database. Bit by bit comparison is made between two irises & no of non matching bits & matching bits are found out. Number of non matching bits are divided by number of bits to obtain Hamming distance. Hamming distance gives degree of match or unmatch. For two identical iris code, hamming distance is zero, and for perfectly unmatch hamming distance is one. 14
Comparison with respect to cost & Accuracy Iris scanning is most expensive biometric security system when compared to other. But the accuracy of this system is proportionately high. 15
Comparison of Iris Recognition with other Biometrics: 16
Applications CComputing environment. NNeed for large throughput and queuing. TTracking Prisoner Movement. 17
Future Applications Computer login: The iris as a living password. National Border Controls: The iris as a living password. Telephone call charging without cash, cards or PIN numbers. Premises access control (home, office, laboratory etc.). Driving licenses and other personal certificates. Entitlements and benefits authentication. Forensics, birth certificates, tracking missing or wanted person Automobile ignition and unlocking; anti-theft devices. 18
Advantages Sensing of the biometric is without physical contact. Iris is an internal organ is well protected against damage. Iris has a fine texture. Highly stable. Artificial eye can be detected. Analysis of iris extremely fast. Highly accurate. 19
Disadvantages Requires much user cooperation. Performance of iris authentication may be impaired by glasses. Difficult to perform at a distance larger than a few meters Susceptible to poor image quality. Camera used in the process needs to have the correct amount of illumination. Obscured by eyelashes, lenses, reflections. 20
Conclusion The uniqueness of iris and the low probability of a false acceptance or false rejection all contribute to the benefits of using iris recognition technology. Provides an accurate and secure method of authenticating users onto company systems. The technical performance cabability of the iris recognition process far surpasses that of any biometric technology now available and it is the future of highly secure security system. 21
References Daugman J (1999) "Biometric decision landscapes." Technical Report No TR482,University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory. J. Daugman, “The Importance of Being Random: Statistical Principles of Iris Recognition,” Pattern Recognition, vol. 36, no. 2, pp R. P. Wildes, “Iris Recognition: An Emerging Biometric Technology,” Proc. of the IEEE, vol. 85, no. 9, 1997, pp Websites: 22