NDD (National Oceans Office Data Directory) development overview as at 1 July 2002 Tony Rees/Miroslaw Ryba CSIRO Marine Research, Hobart
Nature and Role of Metadata u Metadata - structured information about data u Typically follows an established standard for “core” metadata (to support interoperability and metadata exchange) -- in Australia/NZ: the ANZLIC standard -- plus additional community- or agency-specific information as needed u Metadata useful for... - dataset discovery (“search metadata”) - including searchable keywords, space and time criteria, etc., assigned by metadata author (or harvested from the dataset in some cases) - dataset description - including ancillary information not present in the dataset - data access - e.g. via contact details and/or online links u Metadata records can take the form of static documents (e.g. text files, SGML/XML records, static HTML pages) or dynamically generated ones (components held in a database and assembled as needed - as per MarLIN and NDD) u Metadata system (metadatabase) is in reality a searchable Data Catalogue (Data Inventory, Data Index). Metadata records (dataset descriptions)
ANZLIC Metadata Elements Metadata elements in the NDD (as at 1 July 2002) u ANZLIC ID u Title u Custodian u Jurisdiction u Abstract u Search Words (=ANZLIC Themes) u Location Keywords (GEN Name, Category, Jurisdiction) u Bounding Polygon u Bounding Box (N, S, E, E Bounding Coordinates) u Beginning Date u Ending Date u Progress u Maintenance & Update Frequency u Stored Data Format u Available Data Format u Access Constraint u Lineage u Positional Accuracy u Attribute Accuracy u Logical Consistency u Completeness u Contact Organisation u Contact Position u Mail Address (Locality, State, Country, Postcode, Telephone, Fax, ) u Metadata Date u Additional Metadata u Attributes u Limitations u Stored Data Volume u Projection Details u Model Details: Model Name Model Custodian Model Developer (Organisation) Model Description Model Development Date Model Revision Date Model Update Frequency Model Logical Consistency Model Critical Data Model Data Flow Model Interpretation Model Verification Model Validation Model Limitations Model Language Model Environment Model Output NOO-requested Metadata Elements Custom Metadata Elements from MarLIN u NDD Record Number u Short Title u Originator Organisation(s) u Contact Person u Metadata Creator u Metadata Creation Date u Metadata Updater u Metadata Last Update Date u Metadata Owner (= who can edit) u Metadata Status (Unrestricted / Internal / Private) u www links (documents, graphics, or data) u Cell Size, Unit (for gridded data) u Scale Denominator (for maps) u Keywords (including Habitat, Taxonomy as subsets), extended to cover NOO interests u Additional Keywords (free text) u Species References (CAAB codes + names) u C-squares spatial indexing / spatial extent display + + Metadata records (dataset descriptions)
Metadata repository Metadata query / request Metadata entry Metadata records Metadata export / sharing (e.g. via ASDD) Metadata / DB administration intermediate screens (e.g. resultsets) Basic Metadata System Overview
Metadata Entry u web interface (no dedicated client needed), but domain-restricted (visible only to permitted domains) and username+password required to log on u user can create new record from scratch or by cloning an existing one, or edit any record he/she currently “owns” u user enters a mix of: - free text, numbers, dates, URL’s (e.g. data or graphic links) as applicable - controlled terms or options (pick from pre-formatted lists) - references to details in accessory tables (e.g. persons, organisations) - entered once, re- used as necessary u user can preview entered metadata in “final” form, and then choose to publish the record, save “in progress”, or delete unpublished entry (deleting published records requires administrator-level privileges)
Metadata Query u web interface (no dedicated client needed), but some records domain-restricted (visible only to permitted domains) and others can be username+password protected if needed u user can choose between: - “user-defined” (=structured) search - by keywords, ANZLIC Themes, Originator Organisations, etc, plus space and time criteria if desired - “list datasets” - i.e. alphabetic index, or list by creation or update date (most recent first) - free text search of either whole record, title only, or dataset number u intermediate screens (resultsets organised by keyword or other desired term) are presented for “user-defined search”, and can be re-queried by other categories without returning to the original starting point u whole metadata record for any dataset is accessible by clicking on the relevant title; can also be included as a direct hyperlink in any other digital document u Data files, documents or graphics can be accessed directly from the metadata record via hyperlinks (can be password protected, etc., if so designated on the destination server).
Metadata / Database Administration u mostly web interface (no dedicated client needed), but some parts domain-restricted (visible only to permitted domains) and “super-user” username+password protected. Some specialised tasks may require direct access to the database using SQLplus or MS Access interface. u Sample administration tasks include: - control of usernames and user privileges for metadata editors - control of record ownership (e.g. transfer from creator to other user) - edit access to all records to correct errors or alter style, etc., or perform global updates - delete “published” records e.g. in response to user requests - review web access logs and auto-generated use statistics - maintain and/or extend content of pre-defined lists (e.g. keywords) - add, remove or modify computer domains considered “internal” - perform custom import or export functions as necessary
current Home Page (NDD, MarLIN) as at 1 July 2002
current Edit entry point (NDD, MarLIN) as at 1 July 2002 (etc.)
current Edit screen - 2 (NDD, MarLIN) as at 1 July 2002
current Edit screen - 3 (NDD, MarLIN) as at 1 July 2002
current Edit screen - 4 (NDD, MarLIN) as at 1 July 2002 (etc.)
current “User-Defined” Search screen - 1 (NDD, MarLIN) as at 1 July 2002
current “User-Defined” Search screen - 2 (NDD, MarLIN) as at 1 July 2002 (etc.)
current “List Datasets” Search screen - (NDD, MarLIN) as at 1 July 2002
current “Text / Number Search” Search screen - (NDD, MarLIN) as at 1 July 2002
current Search result screen - (NDD, MarLIN) as at 1 July 2002 (etc.)
current full record display - (NDD, MarLIN) as at 1 July 2002 (etc.)