Kicking Off a New Year! September 11, 2013
Rules Respect the speaker (limit sidebar conversations) Participate What is said here, stays here What is learned here, leaves here The chime will be our attention signal.
Learning Goal Teachers will understand the relationship between the ESE PreK Course Codes, the Common Core State Standards and the Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards for Four-Year-Olds.
Scale 4 I can explain to my principal and my students’ parents how we use the ESE PreK Course Code requirements to guide our instruction. 3 I know how to access the ESE PreK Course Code requirements and understand how I can use them to guide my instruction. 2 I know how to access the ESE PreK Course Code requirements. 1 I have no idea what an ESE PreK Course Code is or why it would be important for me to know.
Common Core and PreK In Florida, the Common Core State Standards are for K-12. There are NO common core standards for Pre K. Pre K ESE will continue to use the Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards for Four Year Olds.
Course Codes
Taking A Closer Look Work with your team to read and discuss your page of the crosswalk. Think about how the VPK Standards and the ESE Course Codes are alike and how they are different. Jot down your ideas. Be prepared to share. **Remember to sign your name on the back of your paper.
Scale 4 I can explain to my principal and my students’ parents how we use the ESE PreK Course Code requirements to guide our instruction. 3 I know how to access the ESE PreK Course Code requirements and understand how I can use them to guide my instruction. 2 I know how to access the ESE PreK Course Code requirements. 1 I have no idea what an ESE PreK Course Code is or why it would be important for me to know.
And Now… The BDI-2 and You Part Deux
In State Transfers (from another Florida County) You NO LONGER need to notify us. Out of State Transfers (from another state) Administer BDI-2 Screener in Adaptive, Personal Social and Communication within 30 days of entry Administer full test in any area that was “referred” Courier ALL testing to: Stephanie Thomas, Exceptional Education Admin, PDIS
Dismissing Students We (ALL OF US) need to do a better job of dismissing students from PreK ESE who do not need to be there. Keeping a child in an ESE class that has the skills to be successful in a more typical environment is NOT in the child’s best interest.
Dismissing Students If you or the SLP (for those children in your class with G only) are planning to dismiss a student from your program anytime during the year or prior to the student going to kdg, you must complete the BDI-2 Screener (Communication, Adaptive, Personal- Social). If the student receives a “REFER” on any of the 3 domains on the screener, the full domain(s) on the BDI 2 in that area needs to be administered to the student.
BDI-2 Progress Monitoring ALL children going to Kindergarten next school year ( ) must be given the BDI- 2 Screener (Communication, Adaptive, Personal-Social domains). You DO NOT have to administer the full BDI-2 for “REFER” domain(s) but… Use this information to target specific areas of need and adjust your instruction accordingly.
BDI-2 Progress Monitoring Begin testing ASAP! Contact Stephanie Thomas if you need additional protocols. Complete testing by October 23rd. Courier ALL testing to: Stephanie Thomas, Exceptional Education Admin, PDIS
More than just a a Pass or Refer… Analyze your class data. Look at the corresponding age range on the full BDI- 2 protocol and see what skills the child is missing. Look at your class as a whole-are there any patterns? (Example: No one knows their phone numbers). Use the screener as a tool to HELP you. Change what is not working. Add instruction to fill in the gaps. Is there a student that is ready for dismissal?
Actionable The items on the BDI-2 are “actionable” meaning that you can use the items the child was unable to master as goals or objectives in an IEP. Since it’s a skills based test then it’s perfectly reasonable to teach the skills being measured. If the child can’t walk up the stairs then you’re going to need to teach the child to walk up the stairs!
EVALUATION CRITERIA not EVALUATION ITEMS You can use the evaluation criteria from the individual items the child didn’t master, but you’re not going to want to use the actual BDI-2 items. For example, if the skill was stacking blocks then you’d want to use conceptually similar items (and likely more than one size/shape). You’re not teaching the test, you’re teaching the skills the test items represent.
“The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change -” Heraclitus PreK ESE Monthly Meetings September- Kick Off October/November- Assistive Technology December/January- Handwriting February- BDI-2 Exiting Procedures March/April- Phonological Awareness May- Year in Review
Upcoming… Visual Strategies for the Pre-K Classroom Thursday, October 10 th Tampa Avenue 8:30 – 3:30 25 spots available – listed on signmeup InstructionalAssistive Technology
Upcoming… Introduction to Boardmaker Wednesday, September, 25 Tampa Avenue 1:30-3:30 InstructionalAssistive Technology This workshop is intended for participants who have never created a board with Boardmaker, but have access to the software. **Materials Required: Access to Boardmaker v6 Software.
Read for the Record Read for the Record is the one day a year when millions of individuals come together to celebrate and promote literacy in early childhood education.
Read for the Record On October 3 rd, people across the country will read the children’s book Otis by Loren Long in support of Jumpstart’s mission to work towards the day that every child in America enters kindergarten prepared to succeed.
Read for the Record/Activity Guide Barn Mural: Otis’s farm wouldn’t be the same without a barn full of noises to lull the calf to sleep. There’s a lot more to a barn than sleeping though, which children will find out with this activity. Barn Mural Old MacDonald: Children will sing a song about common barnyard animals and learn the sounds that these animals make. Old MacDonald Friendship Pictures: Otis and the calf are good friends who spend a lot of time together. Children can think about their own friends, draw pictures showing these friends and what they do together, and write words about their friendship on their drawings. Friendship Pictures A Happy Parade: After Otis saves the calf from Mud Pond, Otis, the calf, and other members of the farm community march down the dusty road to the village. The group looks like a happy parade. Children can create their own parade and dress up like the characters from Otis. A Happy Parade Sink or Float?: Otis’s friend, the calf, sinks and gets stuck in Mud Pond. In this activity, children begin to learn about the concepts of weight by experimenting with various objects that will either sink or float in wate r. Sink or Float?
Student NameAge½ day Student Full Day *Returning to PreK ESE *Going to K Matrix # Primary Disability ** AM PM Reminders ! October FTE Be sure to add (and indicate) any children in your class who are also attending an OCPS VPK on your campus as they are not on SMS A folder for the October FTE has been set up on PDS online
Reminders Please inform us of any teacher/paraprofessional changes Distribution List is not only PreK ESE teachers Screenings are now on a walk-in basis o Wednesday mornings 8:00-10:00 o Parents should bring child’s birth certificate and proof of residence
Reminders Service Delivery Model o Half-Day vs. Full-day Location changes o Waterford Elementary UHS 9 th Grade Center o Lake Silver Elementary former Audubon Park o Clarcona Elementary new Hackney Prairie
Contact us if you have any questions, comments, or concerns Janice Penn Stephanie Thomas Component #