Writing directions for detail and sequence Math Practices: Mathematically proficient students start by explaining the meaning of a problem and looking for entry points to its solution. They analyze givens, constraints, relationships, and goals. They monitor progress and change course if necessary. Materials needed: your Journal and a pencil You will be assigned a seat today. Please don’t unpack your “stuff” yet.
Write the date and title on the first page in your Journal as shown below: 8/26/15 Writing Directions for Detail and Sequence
In order to make a fried egg for breakfast, first get the small frying pan out of the cabinet and place it on the stove. Open the cupboard and with a knife you have taken from the utensil drawer, slice about a ¼ inch patty of butter and place it in the pan. Turn on the stove to low-medium to begin melting the butter. Next, get an egg from refrigerator. Tap the egg on the edge of the pan and with both thumbs gently pull the egg apart at the crack. Pour the egg into the frying pan and monitor it as it cooks. Take a plate from the cupboard and have it ready for your egg. When the egg is done to your liking remove it with a spatula that you have taken from the utensil drawer and place it on your plate. Voila!!! Breakfast is served!!
Task: You will work with a partner. Choose between 2 topics below. You will choose one topic and your partner has the other choice. ( No arguing…Rock, Paper, Scissors if necessary.) 1. Write the steps to brush your teeth. 2. Write the steps to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. GOAL: You will write the steps in complete sentences and include details. When finished you will trade papers with your partner, analyze their directions, and determine whether modifications need to be made.
You will work in your Math Journal. Set your page up as shown below. 8/26/15 Writing for Details Task #_____ In order to brush your teeth, first you … -OR- To make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, first you…
Analyze the activity… Did your partner give clear and concise directions? If you followed their directions step-by-step, would you be successful in completing the task? Give your partner feedback about their writing. Discuss it first, then write it in their journal. Feedback suggestions: 1. Don’t assume I know how to do the task. Give clear, concise directions. Don’t skip steps. 2. Put steps in the correct order/sequence. 3. Add details. 4. Write structured sentences and correct grammatical and mechanical errors.
Great job today!! Enjoy the rest of your day!!