Opening the Scriptures! Three Year Study thru the Bible Daily Reading - Bookmark available in the back Weekly Study – on Wednesday nights at 6:30 This week: Isaiah Jesus expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself … And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures Luke 24:27,45
Joram Johram Ahaziah Athaliah Jehu Jehoahaz Joash Jehoash Jeroboam II Zechariah Shallum MenahemPekah Pekahiah Hoshea 722 bc Assyrian Captivity Ten Tribes of Israel Amaziah Uzziah Jotham Ahaz Hezekiah Manasseh Isaiah
I. Condemnation (1–39) A. God’s Judgment on His prideful people (1–6) B. Restoration thru Chastisement (7-12) C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) D. Woes against the sins of the people (28–35) E. Historical Interlude (36–39) (King Hezekiah) II. Consolation (40–66) (The remnant returns home) A. God’s Greatness (40–48) B. God’s Grace (49–57) C. God’s Glory (58–66) Outline of Isaiah Key Thoughts 1) God will judge the world
For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God 1 Peter 4:17-19
For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? 1 Peter 4:17-19
Now “If the righteous one is scarcely saved, Where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?” Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator. 1 Peter 4:17-19
C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) Outline of Isaiah Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27)
C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) Outline of Isaiah Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) Key Thoughts 1) God will judge the world 2) These Judgments – Past or future?
C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) Outline of Isaiah Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27)
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C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) 10. Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) Outline of Isaiah 13-27
C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) Outline of Isaiah Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) Key Thoughts 1) God will judge the world 2) These Judgments – Past or future? 3) God is in control of the Nations 4) Our world is making progress to end 5) God hates pride (13:11; 16:6; 23:9)
These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren. Proverbs 6:16-19
C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) Outline of Isaiah Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) Key Thoughts 1) God will judge the world 2) These Judgments – Past or future? 3) God is in control of the Nations 4) Our world is making progress to end 5) God hates pride (13:11; 16:6; 23:9) 6) God judges nations for how they treat one another 7) There is a hope in judgment
C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) 10. Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) Outline of Isaiah 13-27
C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) 10. Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) Outline of Isaiah 13-27
C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) 10. Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) Outline of Isaiah 13-27
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C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) 10. Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) Outline of Isaiah 13-27
C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) 10. Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) Outline of Isaiah 13-27
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C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) 10. Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) Outline of Isaiah 13-27
C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) 10. Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) Outline of Isaiah 13-27
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C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) 10. Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) Outline of Isaiah 13-27
C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) 10. Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) Outline of Isaiah 13-27
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C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) 10. Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) Outline of Isaiah 13-27
C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) 10. Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) Outline of Isaiah 13-27
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C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) 10. Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) Outline of Isaiah 13-27
C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) 10. Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) Outline of Isaiah 13-27
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C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) 10. Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) Outline of Isaiah 13-27
C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) 10. Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) Outline of Isaiah 13-27
10. Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) Outline of Isaiah 13-27
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10. Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) Outline of Isaiah 13-27
10. Edom &Arabia (21:11–17) 11. Jerusalem (22) 12. Tyre and Sidon (23) 13. Universal judgment (24– Israel Exalted in end ( 26-27) C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) 1. Babylon (13:1–14:23) 2. Assyria (14:24–27) 3. Philistia (14:28–32) 4. Moab (15–16) 5. Damascus (17) 6. Ethiopia (18) 7. Egypt (19) 8 Egypt and Ethiopia (20) 9. Babylon (21:1–10) Outline of Isaiah 13-27