Metadata Store Management Platform GE:architectural notes Fabrizio Verroca, Roberto Pagnin Telecom Italia WP1.3, FIWARE
Data Access Object pattern The Metadata Store GE is implemented using the Data Access Object (DAO) pattern. The Data Access Object (DAO) pattern is a mechanism to abstract away the details of persistence in an application. The idea is that instead of having the domain logic communicate directly with the database, file system, web service, or whatever persistence mechanism the application uses, the domain logic communicates to a DAO layer instead. This DAO layer then communicates with the underlying persistence system or service.
Metadata Store GE Metadata Access Layer (via ws REST) Metadata Repository:is the container of metadata describing the objects of the platform (syntax and semantics) Metadata Repository Metadata Access layer DAO implementations DAO interfaces Service implementations Service interfaces service layer data access layer
Why Data Access Object pattern? The advantage of the DAO layer is that if you need to change the underlying persistence mechanism you only have to change the DAO layer, and not all the places in the domain logic where the DAO layer is used from. The DAO layer usually consists of a smaller set of classes, than the number of domain logic classes that uses it. Should you need to change what happens behind the scene in the DAO layer, the operation is somewhat smaller, since it only affects the DAO layer. It is also a somewhat more controlled operation, since you can search for all DAO classes, and make sure they are changed to use the new persistence mechanism.
DAO implementation create update delete findByCriteria …. Service Implementation DAO Implementation Metadata Repository The repository is based on Document DB =>MongoDB is a candidate Data access layer implements DAO classes that provide CRUD(create, read, update, delete) operations for each object in Metadata Repository