Process Writing
Stages of Process Writing Think Write Make it Better Make it Correct
Prewriting Choose a topic (For example- Health Care)
Prewriting Brainstorm ideas freely Don’t worry about spelling, punctuation or grammar now.
Drafting First Draft or “Rough Draft”: Write into sentences and paragraphs Use your own words Make sure you write enough words
First Draft The first draft is due Tuesday, November 29. Don’t be late!
Word counts Level Word Count 1 At least 75 words 2 At least 100 words 3 At least 125 words 4 At least 150 words 5 At least 175 words 6 At least 200 words
Rubric Band Task Fulfilment Lexis & Spelling Grammar & Punctuation Cohesion & Coherence 3 All parts of the task are addressed adequately Uses a good range of vocabulary (a variety of appropriate adjectives /collocations / idiomatic language) AND Spelling mostly correct A mixture of simple, compound and complex sentences mostly accurate Punctuation mostly correct Well organised and logical Uses a variety of cohesive devices appropriately 2 Most parts of the task are addressed adequately Uses a range of vocabulary which is adequate for the task (attempts to use appropriate adjectives/collocations / idiomatic language) Spelling of high frequency words mostly correct A mixture of simple, compound and complex sentences - often inaccurate Some attempts to organise ideas in a logical way Uses some cohesive devices appropriately 1 Most parts of the task are not addressed adequately Uses a range of vocabulary which is less than adequate for the task OR Many errors in high frequency words Attempts a mixture of simple, complex and compound sentences, but with frequent basic inaccuracies Punctuation inconsistent Ideas generally not organised in a logical way Limited /inaccurate use of cohesive devices No part of the task has been addressed Uses vocabulary which is completely inappropriate for the task Uses mostly simple sentences which are incomplete or inaccurate Punctuation errors predominate Ideas very incoherent Inaccurate use of cohesive devices