Template provided by: “posters4research.com” The study used a cross sectional design. The study examined the Press Ganey scores for all of the floors before the use of the tablet, and the scores after the use of the tablet. For the study, the tablet was only to be used on maternity and 3North to determine the success of the tablet. The maternity patients were Philadelphia/Abington locals, females with family’s, and were around the ages of who could provide sound feedback. The 3 North patients were a mix of males and females all from the Philadelphia/Abington area who were from ages who had a variety of illnesses. The exclusions of patients for this study were patients on other floors of the hospital that were unable to answer surveys such as ICU, or they were floors that most patients are in/out of surgery and unable to eat so they were not fit to provide feedback to the department. With having some floors as the control, it was easier to determine if the tablet was the cause of the increased scores rather than the food/service being the improvement. It was projected that Maternity and 3North scores should improve compared to their scores before the tablet survey, and compared to the other floors scores without the tablet survey. The equipment used was a pre-developed tool called the Patient Connect App which provided 6 questions to ask the patient, three of which are set questions that directly correlate with the nutrition questions on Press Ganey, and three which are able to be altered for the needs of the hospital. The tablet cost the department $ one-time purchase, and the department pays a monthly due to Aramark of $ to be a part of the program. This study gathered qualitative and quantitative information but the data that will be examined to see if the study is success is exclusively quantitative data with averages, means, and medians. An excel spreadsheet is developed to analyze the data and the study’s success. The data gathered will help the department determine if the usage of the tablet should continue and expand it to all floors of the hospital, and what areas of the department need to be improved upon for better patient satisfaction. CONTACT INFORMATION The Use of Patient Connect App Tablet and its effects on Patient Satisfaction Rachel Sedgwick, Aramark Distance Dietetic Intern Aramark Distance Learning Dietetic Internship Program, Philadelphia, PA Anne Kathryn Bromm, RD, CNSC, LDN, Intern Preceptor, Cyndra Banta, MS, RDN, LD, Regional Director Aramark Distance Learning Dietetic Internship Program, Philadelphia, PA Anne Kathryn Bromm, RD, CNSC, LDN, Intern Preceptor, Cyndra Banta, MS, RDN, LD, Regional Director Patient satisfaction has always been one of the most important aspects for a hospital, because without happy patients there are no patients. Press Ganey is a large patient satisfaction survey that provides feedback to the public and hospitals that identify which hospitals are most patient satisfying. Holy Redeemer Hospital’s Food Service department has identified patient satisfaction with food a main source of influence on their operation. The department identified a need to join the movement of the Patient Connect App tablet which surveys patients during their hospital stay that identifies their satisfaction with the food and nutrition department. The tablet was used on Maternity and 3North floors to identify if its usage increases the patient satisfaction scores. The study gathered data for months and the results were inconclusive in that they were inconsistent. 3/5 floors satisfactions scores increased while 2/5 floors satisfaction scores decreased. Many variables were identified during this study that would need further evaluation to determine their effects on the results. The Patient Connect App was helpful in identifying minor patient concerns while it was happening, which overall does help make patient satisfaction improved. With further study control and development, the evaluation of the success of the Patient Connect App could be determined. Press Ganey program at first was not commonly used, but slowly more and more hospitals joined. In 2007 there was a 95% increase of hospitals using Press Ganey. Hospital reimbursement’s became directly affected by inpatient satisfaction. The food/nutrition department is a big part of what makes patients satisfied. Patient Connect is a developing app that hospitals are using to evaluate patient satisfaction for nutritional services. The use of this app for rounding can increase Press Ganey’s patient satisfaction as much as 22%. The app helps the department determine the concerns the patients have and address them within a timely manner. This App allows for 5-10 times more patient rounds, which allows for more feedback and ability to improve. ABSTRACT/INTRODUCTIONABSTRACT/INTRODUCTION METHODOLOGYMETHODOLOGY DISCUSSIONDISCUSSION The usage of the Patient Connect App results were not clear. The App usage helps with the small detailed needs/fixes of the nutrition department, but does not seem to have quality effects on the Press Ganey patient satisfaction scores for the nutrition department for Holy Redeemer Hospital. The variability of the tablet and Press Ganey results shows that the tablet may not provide as much secure benefits as other studies have shown. There were multiple variables in this study that could have affected the results of the study. Variables: 1.The rounder did not do rounding regularly; they were very sparse and inconsistent 2.The rounds were given on all floors not just maternity and 3North which eliminated the “control” floors to help determine the effect of the App 3.The tablet survey was given in person and not anonymously so a lot of people may have felt apprehensive to give their true opinions 4.A lot of surveys that were completed got deleted multiple times without transmitting over to the database due to technical errors which caused a missing amount of surveys and data. The other studies above did find success with the usage of the tablet survey while one did not have success but did identify department difficulties, this study seems to be similar to that. While not completely successful in increasing Press Ganey patient satisfaction scores the study did show underlying benefits for the department. For additional information, please contact: Rachel Sedgwick Aramark Dietetic Intern RESEARCH QUESTION / OBJECTIVE Can the use of the Patient Connect App by asking for patient feedback during their hospital stay, increase the patient satisfaction scores for nutritional services through Press Ganey? CONCLUSIONCONCLUSION The Patient Connect App usage helped the nutrition department in many ways. It showed the strengths and weaknesses of the department in a timely manner compared to before. The nutrition department was able to identify which foods were least liked by the patients and why, which servers were most pleasant and friendly, which floors take a long time to receive their trays, etc. Although not fully successful during the study, the App should continue to be used to further identify its capabilities. Due to the weaknesses of this study it is important to test the Patient Connect App further by maybe restricting and having more controls. When the App is to be studied further, there should only be one floor being tested compared the other “control” floors, there should be no lost surveys, there should be surveys completed daily and a specific amount, etc. This amount of control should help next time to further identify how the App can help the nutrition department and the dietitians in what the hospital patients need/want to improve their satisfaction. Once this Patient Connect App is identified as truly increasing patient satisfaction at Holy Redeemer Hospital like it has at other places, it would be the next big step for the department to be able to provide the proper nutrition therapy and healthy food to patients and have it be valued and appreciated. RESULTSRESULTS Table 1. Post Survey Results for Myfitnesspal Users Questions 1-4 Table 1 displayed that the Maternity Patient Connect mean was while the Press Ganey mean was The 3North Patient Connect mean was while the Press Ganey mean was The graph to the right shows that the scores are not consistently increased on all of the floors after the App usage was launched; 3 of the 5 floors increased scores while 2 of the 5 floors decreased scores. Maternity did have an increase in Press Ganey scores of 1.70%, and 3North floor had a decrease in Press Ganey scores of 1.60%. The graph to the left shows in blue the scores that Patient Connect App received from the patients while the green is the scores of Press Ganey patient satisfaction. This graph shows that the Patient Connect scores and the Press Ganey scores are not correlating.