INTRODUCTION Let’s start with a story… ›The point is: Hope already has a brand or reputation in the minds of external and internal audiences. ›Why is this a concern? The thoughts and associations that come to mind when your city’s name is heard or read is likely to have huge financial, political, and social impacts. More about this later…
PRESENTATION OVERVIEW What is “branding” Branding as a process Benefits of branding Examples Moving forward: where do we start? Take the community survey + where to find more info Question period
WHAT IS BRANDING? It’s not a four letter word! ›When you see the word “brand”, think “reputation”. ›When you see the word “branding”, think “strategic positioning” It’s a promise. A look-you-in-the-eye-and-shake-your-hand kind of promise. It’s a statement of what your community stands for and its values. It gives people a hint of what to expect when they come here.
WHY DOES HOPE NEED A BRAND? Communities with a strong identity are more competitive. ›Communities that continuously manage how they communicate their brand develop positive reputations over time. As such, they become more attractive places to visit, move to, and invest. Hope does not have a clearly defined brand or personality. ›Ramboville. Highway Through Hell. Chainsaw carving capital. Fraser River Canyon. Active outdoor hub. ›The messages going out into the world are inconsistent and fractured. One must ask themselves: Do any of these attributes make Hope a compelling enough place to visit, do business, move to?
WHAT IS BRANDING? (CNTD) Who you say your are (strategic positioning) What “THEY” say you are (brand image) Strategic positioning: What does Hope “own”? What is our competitive identity? What do you want to be in the future? Brand image: What people are saying about you when you’re out of the room. The gap
WHAT IS BRANDING? (CNTD) Brand equity: The value of a brand as measured by awareness, loyalty, and associated attributes. It’s like a bank account. Negative associations, poor awareness and weak loyalty are all withdrawals from the account. Positive attributes, strong awareness, and loyalty are deposits. Building brand equity increases competitiveness Increase Equity: - positive associations - strong + clear awareness - loyal residents + visitors Decrease Equity: - negative associations - low awareness - poor loyalty
BRANDING IS A PROCESS Understand your current brand image Establish your desired (true) brand Define the gap! Create and resource a plan to close the gap Assess progress and adjust
BENEFITS OF BRANDING The level of esteem that a city’s name evokes has a direct impact on the health of its local businesses, economic development, tourism, and expansion of the population base. A healthy and respected reputation makes Hope competitive in the eyes of potential new contracts, residents, companies, and visitors because it will be seen in a positive light with attractive qualities and benefits. It can be leveraged to attract awards, grants, win bids to host events, attract conferences.
BENEFITS OF BRANDING (CNTD) Saves resources for all organizations involved by consistently informing the direction for strategic development, funding decisions, and policy creation. Unifies local organizations under one banner – “all singing from the same songbook”. Shows strength of community. A rallying point for leaders and citizens to embrace and be proud of. “Your community is your best sales team.”
LOOKING AHEAD - HOW DOES THIS WORK? You need a unified commitment and long-term vision across community organizations/leaders to this process. Start at the beginning – research image and establish identity (brand) Keep the process going… it doesn’t end with a logo. This process doesn’t happen overnight. Don’t rush it… but keep it moving. Creating a brand is not a silver bullet to solving a community’s deep- seated issues. Rather, it is a catalyst and “north star” to help guide community development and vision.
WRAPPING IT UP… Feel free to take home our information hand-out More detailed information and updates posted on the Chamber Website. Complete our community survey… your opinion matters. Sign-up to receive a link to the survey and receive updates. Thank you for your interest! Questions