Unlocking Connections: Emotions and Academic Success Presented by Charlotte Weinstein Course EDUC 5380 Digital Media & Curriculum Integration
It is vital for teachers to understand the connection between emotions and academic success. False True True Read the statement and decide if it’s true or false.
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Emotions: Physiological manifestations affecting humans both externally and internally. Learning, thinking and memory takes place in the cortex involving the limbic system Emotions and behavior receive direction and interpretation from the limbic system The interpretation of information determines whether the message is negative or positive: negative “shuts down” the pathway to learning and positive “opens” the pathway to learning Emotions arise from memories: Dr. Seligman says “our thoughts and beliefs are our reality…it’s not what happens to us but what we think about what happens to us, that counts.” Thoughts and emotions affect motivation
Positive feelings toward information, enables students to use what they know motivating them to extend their knowledge beyond the classroom. Need to be emotionally involved and engaged in the learning process; this encourages motivation and desire to learn. Need to be emotionally involved and engaged in the learning process; this encourages motivation and desire to learn. Novelty-seeking element within the human brain facilitates learning- needs stimulus Novelty-seeking element within the human brain facilitates learning- needs stimulus Positive emotions affect the decision making process Positive emotions affect the decision making process Positive feelings empowers students to broaden their knowledge and potentially create new knowledge Positive feelings empowers students to broaden their knowledge and potentially create new knowledge
By having short alternative and interactive activities during instruction, students will learn more. False False True True
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Emotional Intelligence Knowing our emotions – self awareness Knowing our emotions – self awareness Managing our emotions – impulse control Managing our emotions – impulse control Motivating ourselves to achieve goals – persistence and self- motivation Motivating ourselves to achieve goals – persistence and self- motivation Recognizing emotions in others – empathy Recognizing emotions in others – empathy Managing relationships with others – social skills Managing relationships with others – social skills Teachers directly influence: Teachers directly influence: Emotional intelligence is learned nor inherited like general intelligence Emotional intelligence is learned nor inherited like general intelligence Emotional intelligence can be nurtured, directed and strengthened. Emotional intelligence can be nurtured, directed and strengthened. learning.gs?page=1
Affective Teaching: Creating a positive and stimulating environment to engage emotions among our students. Teachers provide opportunities for students to change their negative associations into positive ones. Teachers provide opportunities for students to change their negative associations into positive ones. Draw on connection to their students’ everyday lives when presenting new information; use of connections conveys a sense of awareness, acknowledgement and acceptance of the students from the teacher. Draw on connection to their students’ everyday lives when presenting new information; use of connections conveys a sense of awareness, acknowledgement and acceptance of the students from the teacher. Use appropriate humor from time to time Use appropriate humor from time to time Help learners see how new information connects with what they already know Help learners see how new information connects with what they already know Conduct learning in nontraditional settings Conduct learning in nontraditional settings
One way to address emotions in education is through art and literature. False True True
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Engaging Emotions in Muticultural Education Not all cultures interpret emotional experiences the same way. Not all cultures interpret emotional experiences the same way. Teachers themselves, must engage their own emotions in order to engage emotions among their students. Teachers themselves, must engage their own emotions in order to engage emotions among their students. Use of autobiographies, films, plays and other forms of art can be catalysts in the emotional growth and stimulus among students. Use of autobiographies, films, plays and other forms of art can be catalysts in the emotional growth and stimulus among students. Guiding students through emotional difficulties, may empower students to be less resistant to learn “new or different” ways of thinking. Guiding students through emotional difficulties, may empower students to be less resistant to learn “new or different” ways of thinking. Hongyu Wang. Multicultural Perspectives, 2008, Vol. 10 Issue 1, p10-16, 7p, 1 Chart; DOI: /
Engaging Emotions in Education: Begin Now Explore many innovative ways to employ technology with students Explore many innovative ways to employ technology with students Have a variety of ethnic and cultural books, posters, etc. in the classroom Have a variety of ethnic and cultural books, posters, etc. in the classroom Bring in community and neighborhood leaders into the classroom: students ask questions on a variety of topics Bring in community and neighborhood leaders into the classroom: students ask questions on a variety of topics Student experts: Students explore their passions and teach their peers Student experts: Students explore their passions and teach their peers learning.gs?page=1
References Anonymous. (2007, February 21). Why emotions cannot be separated from learning. Retrieved from Bronwell, C., & Eison, J. (1991). Active learning: creating excitement in the classroom. ERIC Clearing House on Higher Education, Retrieved from ownloads/active-learning-eric.pdf ownloads/active-learning-eric.pdf ownloads/active-learning-eric.pdf Elias, M. (2003). Academic and social-emotional learning. Educational Practicies Series-11, Retrieved from IBE_academic_and_socioemotional_learning.pdf
References (continued) Hongyu, W. (2008). "Red Eyes": Engaging Emotions in Multicultural Education. Multicultural Perspectives, 10(1), doi: / Vail, P. (2011). The role of emotions in learning. Retrieved from role-of-emotions-in-learning.gs?page=1
Websites s/docs/Chptr8.pdf s/docs/Chptr8.pdf dagogy/downloads/active-learning-eric.pdf dagogy/downloads/active-learning-eric.pdf engIBE_academic_and_socioemotional_learning.pdf engIBE_academic_and_socioemotional_learning.pdf ture=mfu_in_order&list=UL ture=mfu_in_order&list=UL