Welcome to Mrs. Hunter’s Curriculum Night 1 st Grade Kyrene del Milenio
Introduction Andrea Hunter 18 years of primary grade teaching experience in Arizona Reading Endorsement Married, mother of four- ages 27, 23, 18 & 16 and a grandson born in April! Originally from Iowa, but in AZ 33 years
Daily Schedule 7:40-8:00 Attendance, Morning work 8:00-8:05 Morning Meeting 8:05-8:30 Reading –Small group instruction 8:30-9:10 Writer’s Workshop 9:10-9:25 Snack 9:25-10:50 Phonics, whole & small group instruction, and Daily 5 10:50-11:35 Recess/Lunch 11:35-11:50 Calendar 11:50-1:10 Math Block – Whole group, Individualized instruction, Small groups 1:10-1:35 Science/SS/Health 1:35-2:25 Specials
Specials MondayLibrary TuesdayComputer lab WednesdayPE ThursdayMusic FridayArt
Language Arts Communication –Listening skills –Speaking skills –Presentations (includes planning and presenting reports with support)
Language Arts Reading - Harcourt & Daily 5 –Whole Group, Small Group & Individual instruction –Learn and apply phonetic decoding strategies –Read high frequency words –Learn strategies for what to do when we come to an unknown word (besides ‘sound it out’) –Apply a variety of reading comprehension strategies when reading fiction, nonfiction & poetry –Story elements (characters, setting, main topic) –Learn new vocabulary –Improve fluency –Create daily reading opportunities through Daily 5
Language Arts Writer’s Workshop Daily Independent Writing- with focus on improving writing through conferencing with teacher and modeled writing lessons, as well as improving spelling of high-frequency words. Goals: Capital letters at beginning of sentences. Punctuation at end of sentence. Beginning, Middle & End of writing piece. Class Books- handwritten & digital
Math Investigations, Number Talks Represent and solve problems using addition and subtraction Solve and explain thinking and reasoning in a variety of story problem types Understand and apply the relationship between addition and subtraction. Count to 120 starting at any number. Be able to read, write and represent a number. Understand place value – represent numbers, decompose numbers, using place value to add and subtract Measuring objects and comparing and ordering lengths Tell and write time to hour and half hour Represent and interpret data Reason with shapes and their attributes (sorting, describing, composing and decomposing)
Homework Will come home on Thursday & will be due the following Wednesday Read nightly ( reading is a self-improving system, so practice creates improvement!) Math Games to reinforce skills Occasional family projects
Parent Volunteers Volunteers are always welcome in 1 st grade! Sign up sheets will be coming home electronically within the next 2 weeks. There are weekly, monthly & occasional opportunities beginning in September.
Communications Open Door Policy… be sure to keep in touch! We are partners this year. A newsletter will go home at least once a month (more often earlier in the year), with s going out in-between. Class website Conferences are held 2 times a year. My phone goes directly to voice mail during the day. Leave a message and I will call you back is the best way to contact me:
Thinking Maps -A visual language tool for learning within and across disciplines. These correspond with eight fundamental thinking processes. Green Take Home Folder Class list ( ) Book Orders Volunteering Birthdays Snack- sign up on back counter Transportation Changes Parent Pick-Up/Drop-Off All About Me *Send in an old sock to use as white board eraser
A Note From The Principal Changes in federal law resulted in opportunities for improvement in education –Administrators in classrooms more frequently to observe instruction and to provide teachers with research based feedback –This will increase our capacity to meet the diverse learning needs of our students and their ability to grow in their learning What does this mean for you?? –Administrators will be in classrooms more frequently to observe teaching and help improve teaching practices, thus improving student learning –We are asking that you work with staff to schedule appointments with Mrs. Furedy and other administrators when you would like to have a face-to-face or phone conference –Mrs. Furedy and Ms. Ramundo will continue to respond to within 24 hours, barring special circumstances
Thank you for coming to curriculum night!