CLIL Content and language integrated learning To learn not just to use a foreign language but to use it as a tool for learning To increase the motivation for learning a foreign language and for learning other subjects through that language To improve effectiveness of foreign language learning
CLIL To acquire a better knowledge of other subjects To provide opportunities for using foreign language in practical and motivating contexts To economize on time by combining the same syllabus of different subjects
CLIL To use abilities, knowledge and skills from other subjects To develop the social skills of co-operation and taking turns To helps children from mixed ability classes
Effective approach to CLIL Exploit the children´s previous linguistic and subject knowledge Place the initial emphasis on listening and comprehension Facilitate foreing language comprehension by:
Creating environment Pre-teaching vocabulary Using age-appropriate vocabulary Using visual supports (pictures, flashcards,powerpoint etc.), miming and gestures Constantly checking progress and feedback
Effective approach to CLIL Facilitate foreing language production by: Allowing the children to answer in different way (non-verbal or verbal, in mother tongue or foreign language,pointing) Using role-play, group work, song and games Making posters, booklets, tables, graphs
SUBJECTS Biology IT History Geography Maths Science English Physical education Art Music
GOLDILOCKS Pre-reading activities Pictures, flashcards,miming, gestures Work with vocab: topics: Body, senses, family, everyday objects,size, qualities of things While-reading activities Reading, acting, guessing, miming
GOLDILOCKS Post-reading activities Questions Quiz Drama Listening
CLIL Cross – Curricular Resourses for young learners