Current Issues Phase II of our National Occupational Standards (NOS) Project has begun. Phase I resulted in the development of 15 NOS, and another five equipment-specific NOS resulted from our Material Handler Skills Upgrading Project. We are looking for input on the next 13 priority NOS targeted for the remaining occupations in our sector. As stakeholders, are you using these NOS? What can we do to help? Collaboration and Efficiency – One of the primary reasons for the establishment of the Council was the need to provide a forum for stakeholders to address issues that affect our sector, from an HR, labour market, and knowledge, skills and competency perspective. We want to engage more of our stakeholders in this process. Find out how your members can be part of this joint effort. HR Trends Analysis – The Alliance of Sector Councils (TASC) has been tracking HR trends (hiring, layoffs, education and training investments) by sector, including supply chain. See how we compare with other sectors. What We Need From You Our Recruitment & Retention Project is up and running. Focus groups are planned for Calgary (March 11), Montreal (March 18) and Halifax (March 19). We need your help to ensure we get input from our stakeholders. Invite your members, local chapters to attend. Targets include HR professionals, career seekers including youth, newcomers, Aboriginals, individuals in transition, older adults, and other under-represented groups including women and the disabled. Check out the new look of our website! We are seeking feedback on the look and content. Would you be interested in a webinar to detail the features of the site? March 5, 2010 For further information on any of the above, visit contact or call / Mission Statement "The Canadian Supply Chain Sector Council brings together partners in the sector to develop solutions to the human resource challenges faced by stakeholders. Recognizing the vital role of the supply chain to Canada's economy, the Council is committed to enhancing the sector's ability to attract and retain workers at all levels and across the full range of functions, and to advancing the skills of those workers." BOARD OF DIRECTORS Members: Jim Bergeron Lafarge Canada Inc. Don Borsk (Chair) Metro Retail Supply Chain Solutions Darren Christle (Vice Chair) Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation John Gauvreau Government of Quebec Fergus Groundwater Export Development Canada Dwayne Hihn (Vice Chair) Paltainer Freight Forwarders Ltd. Frances Humphreys Wilfrid Laurier University Flavia Iuston-Blair Panalpina Inc. Susan Krausz Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning Maria Lindenberg Chevron Global Downstream LLC David McCormick Pivotal ACTION FORCE Industrial Staffing Solutions Richard Moore Halifax Employers Association Hervé Pilon Cégep André Laurendeau Lesley Smith Wal-Mart Canada Corp. Pam Somers APICS Observers: Sonia Gauthier HRSDC Philippe Richer Industry Canada Ex officio: Kevin Maynard Canadian Supply Chain Sector Council