First They Killed My Father Loung Ung ©2000 By Matthew Russell Childress 3rd Period- Rustin 5-10-12
No Rice, No Life. These everyday men work hard for the Angkar! These men work hard so they don’t end up died as the Youns do!! Join the millions of brave Khmer fighting the Youns on the home front Not working hard everyday kills an Angkar soldier! No Rice, No Life. No Rice, No Life- Fear No rice, no life- Fear; Join the millions of brave Khmer-Bandwagon; Everyday men working hard- Plain folks; Not working hard kills an angkar soldier- Logical Fallicies
Propaganda in FTKMF The Khmer Rouge are shown several ways using propaganda and almost brainwashing techniques in Loung Ung’s First They Killed My Father, but none more prominent to me than when Met Bong informs all of the girl soldiers that the Youns have invaded their country. Met Bong attempts a combination of fear and name-calling propaganda, “The Youns have invaded our country! They are taking over our towns! These monsters are raping Khmer women and killing Khmer men. They will kill you if they catch you. You must protect yourself in any way you can. Pol Pot is all-powerful and we can defeat the Youns”(Ung 165). Met Bong tries to scare the little girls into thinking that the Youns will kill them on sight, and they should be scared of the Vietnamese. The name-calling propaganda Met Bong attempts is when she says that the Youns are “monsters,” which is obviously is name-calling in the most basic form. I chose this picture because I believe it showed the idea that Met Bong was trying to indoctrinate upon the young girls, that the Youns were evil and trying to kill them.
The Old Child I am Young, The world was my oyster, I was privileged. Then, The world I knew was taken over, Sorrow fills my belly, Hunger lingers in my mind, The gods have left my side. Pa was a god, Now even he has left. I am alone, But my brothers and sisters remain. My heart, Throbs, aches, and boils with hatred. I wish to kill Pol Pot, I fell tremendous enmity, Barely sane, Alone, My experience ages me, I am Old, But I am only seven
Symbolism in FTKMF Black/Black outfits/Shadows(literally)- Represent the unknown and the loss of freedom. Red represents future blood-shed(of loved ones), pain, or passion in First They Killed My Father. Pa, the father archetype in Pa is what keeps the fight alive in Loung throughout her life.
Impact of genocide on Cambodia *landmines and removing them/prosthetics industry Impact of genocide on Cambodia The Khmer Rouge and their reign of terror left many lasting impacts on both the land of Cambodia, and the entire population of the country. The Khmer Rouge were nothing short of paranoid versions of the WWII Nazi regime. The Khmer Rouge planted landmines all over the countryside of Cambodia in order to instill fear in the people to keep them working hard in the rice fields. The landmines have not all been deactivated, and approximately 30,000 people in Cambodia are amputees. Not just men and women have paid the price, children are even getting in on the action, and all of these people are in need of prosthetic limbs. What is being done to help the Cambodians is the increased production of prosthetic limbs by as many as five non-profit organizations. It is estimated that there will be enough prosthetic limbs made to keep up with the high demand. There are also industries that are benefitting from these unfortunate events, which in turn, helps boost the fledgling Cambodian economy. Service, Knight-Ridder News. "Artificial limbs in high demand in Cambodia - Baltimore Sun." Featured Articles From The Baltimore Sun. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 May 2012. <>. Source