EFFECTIVE MANAGER To optimize is to increase productivity for which the following four components should be given atmost attention by the managers. Various forms of effective managerial job behaviour are as follows: - Keeping team members informed providing reasoning underlying decisions gives clear instructions, checking whether they are understood - Adapting management approach to suit different people, cultures and situations - Motivating and developing staff: providing support and advice and more challenging work as appropriate - Praising good performance and encourage staff to build on their strengths Setting - Creating an exclusive environment for all the staff to contribute to policy - Setting a positive example inspiring others to enthusiasm, energy and commitment - Assessing and reviewing results of training and its impacts on performance of individuals - Acting with honesty, integrity and professionalism - Responding constructively to complaints - Dealing proactively with problems, taking responsibility and acting decisively and appropriately to resolve them.
CHARACTERISTICS OF MANAGER FOR EFFECTIVE JOB BEHAVIOUR 1)Ability to Inspire others: This ability may be due to an internal charisma that is inborn trait and may not be a learnable factor 2) Motivation: Effective managers are self motivated. They have a strong desire to lead. They have drive defined by ambition,achievement,energy,initiative and persistence. Motivated managers have a definitive goal. As self starters, they energize themselves and passionately target their objectives 3) Positive Attitude: A positive approach indicates a healthy body and mind. It helps the manager be realistic, take periodic stock, be flexible and stay open to change. It helps manager to manage stress. It helps him to balance different aspects of life and to seek appropriate solutions. 4) Communication Skills: Managers who want to make the greatest positive impact on their environment their teams and their associates must be good communicators. They must pass the information and also ready to hear what others are saying. Listening skills and body language are important for good communicators.
and show respect for such desires. He must give credit to subordinates when their efforts are successful. 7) Emotional Intelligence: Today’s manager are working under pressure. So manager basic intelligence and technical competency must be complemented with emotional intelligence. To grasp and deal with dynamic situations they must be a good judge of people and smart enough to maximize their potential. Emotionally intelligent managers do not discount emotions rather they use to harness both their own and other people’s feelings to achieve goals. 8) Willingness to take risks: Managers must accept and seek new challenges. The risks must be calculated ones and outcomes of actions be reasonably predicted. If failure occurs, the manager must take full blame and responsibility and not shift blame to others. He must be willing to tolerate frustration and learn from these failures. 5) Problem Solving Skills: An effective manager has developed the patience and ability to look at the problem from various angles and get down to the cause of the problem and he tries to solve the problem from its roots rather than the symptoms of the problem. 6)Ability to understand human behaviour: A manager must understand the needs,desires and behaviour of his subordintes
11) Foresight and Vision: The manager should have a high degree of imagination, moral courage,breadth and determination and capability to look forward and anticipate the events. 12) Responsibility: The manager should be willing to take responsibilities and predict the consequences 13) Self Confidence: The manager should be self confident in order to solve problems make decisions and ensure others follow them. 9) Dedication to Organizational goals: A manager must demonstrate his dedication and commitment to the organization’s mission,goals and objectives by hard work and self sacrifice. He must make sure that his subordinates fully understand the organizational objectives and equally dedicated and willing to work for those objectives 10) Intelligence: A successful manager must have the mental ability to think precisely, analysis accurately,interprets clearly and concisely are necessary to consider the problems in the right prespective. 11) Foresight and Vision:
INEFFECTIVE MANAGERIAL JOB BEHAVIOUR Various forms of ineffective job behaviour are as follows: 1) Avoiding addressing difficult issues such as poor performance 2) Not making time for staff management 3) Taking no responsibility for developing staff 4) Giving only negative feedback or none at all. 5) Treating people unfairly 6) Inability to adopt management style to fit the situation 7) Failure to work in changed circumstances 8) Putting of difficult task to later. 9) Dealing with customers for their own needs rather than the customer needs. 10) Spending too much of time to analyze problems at the expense of finding solutions. CHARACTERISTICS OF MANAGERS WITH INEFFECTIVE BEHAVIOUR: 1) Motivation by Intimidation: The most common mismanagement approach is motivating employees by instilling fear in them,fear of getting shouted,getting fired etc. Motivating by intimating works only in some situations and with certain group of employees. Most employees stop working as soon as managers are out of sight. The manager will need to delegate the job monitoring to others to ensure the work is done. Effective manager use their employees skills to get things done
2)Not Knowing Associates: Many managers do not know much about their employees personal lives,fears etc. Which may also affects the work environment also. So an effective manager should know about his associates so he understand what motivates them. 3)Not Being Open: The manager not being open will not accept employee suggestions and ideas and insist the employees to do the work in the way he likes. 4)Negative Expectations: Most managers feel that the employees are untrustworthy, sneaky and lazy. This belief makes them constantly monitor employees and also treat them like children. All this in turn affects the employees adversely and they come to work forcibly, not willingly. Managers of course get what they expect. 5) Punishing Everybody for the fault of few: Organization policies and procedures are based on the past behaviour of a small group of mischievous employees. Many employees end up paying the price for fault of few. So an effective manager would confront the miscreants (One who behaves badly by breaking code of law)and counsel them.
Performance appraisal. The manager will not take the responsibility and blame the sub ordinates for not communicating and blame the associates for not knowing basic facts. 7) Viewing the Management and Employees as separate entities: Ineffective managers think that the employees and management are separate and they are in no way connected with the organization. Managers are also human and they also make errors so the management must correct those errors which will help for the organizational survival. Ineffective manager should understand the relationship between management and employees for the success of any organization. 6)Not Communicating: An ineffective manager with hold a lot of important information from employees and then use employee non compliance to those standards against them in their
EFFECTIVE JOB BEHAVIOR WOULD BE FURTHER POSSIBLE WITH THE ADOPTION OF CERTAIN SKILLS Technical skills Human skills Conceptual skills Designing skills Communication skills Interpersonal skills Understanding perception, self concept, and expressing emotions Nonverbal and verbal skills Conflict management skills Problem solving skills Political skills Listening skills and feedback skills to build high performance