Slide 1 GSC9/JOINT_004 May 9 -13, 2004 GSC-9 Seoul, Korea Facing Up to Challenges, Seizing Opportunities John Visser Phone: Fax: Mobile:
Slide 2 May 9 -13, 2004 GSC-9 Seoul, Korea What is happening? Unprecedented changes occurring at unprecedented speed Major technology shifts mean major growth opportunities and major risks Major opportunities for synergies, reuse through convergence: telecoms/IT, fixed/mobile, broadcast Regional and global NGN standards initiatives already underway
Slide 3 May 9 -13, 2004 GSC-9 Seoul, Korea Challenges A Revolution is underway: –circuit to packet –single medium (voice only) to multimedia –monopolistic to competitive –fixed to mobile –discrete to converged How do we meet these challenges? What are the opportunities we can seize?
Slide 4 May 9 -13, 2004 GSC-9 Seoul, Korea Communications in the Global Economy Yankee Group, News Release 24 Jun 03: –estimate 18.6 percent of world’s population currently has mobile phones –global wireless user base will increase 49% over next 4 years, reach 1.72 billion by 2007 –global cellular subscriber revenue will grow from $387B in 2002 to $584B in 2007 Similar in value to crude oil production
Slide 5 May 9 -13, 2004 GSC-9 Seoul, Korea NGN Essence NGN is the current “buzzword” What does NGN mean? –packet-switched core network –multimedia (based on 3GPP Rel. 6 IMS) –mobile (all dimensions) an integral part –access independence essential SG 13 definition provided in a separate presentation
Slide 6 May 9 -13, 2004 GSC-9 Seoul, Korea Opportunities NGN global consistency is a target to which everyone subscribes –essential for an increasingly interconnected world –immediate value to developed and developing markets
Slide 7 May 9 -13, 2004 GSC-9 Seoul, Korea Moving forward NGN is our opportunity to move everyone into the future together: –everyone must ensure they are well organized to help “move the yardsticks” forward –existing relationships and cooperation agreements provide the needed connections (or provide the basis for additional connections) A globally unified NGN approach will succeed!
Slide 8 May 9 -13, 2004 GSC-9 Seoul, Korea Challenges for ITU-T NGN is one of the key challenges facing ITU-T Other significant challenges include: –performance (QoS) –security –management –transport –etc.
Slide 9 May 9 -13, 2004 GSC-9 Seoul, Korea ITU-T Response ITU-T is a responsive organization as demonstrated through adoption of AAP, electronic working methods, focus groups, classes of membership, etc. –procedures and working methods are “state of the art” But organization of technical work is sub-optimal
Slide 10 May 9 -13, 2004 GSC-9 Seoul, Korea ITU-T Response Discussions on technical work organization have progressed slowly Essential to get “unstuck”: –must make progress on structural issues –must be seen to make progress on structural issues WTSA-2004 offers a crucial and timely opportunity to demonstrate consensus on the way forward
Slide 11 May 9 -13, 2004 GSC-9 Seoul, Korea GSC-9 Influence It is in our common interest for ITU-T to succeed in global aspects of NGN –part of GSC mandate is to advise ITU-T with the aim of strengthening its role in global standardization Opportunity to input a consistent and coherent message to the Assembly on the urgent need to optimize working arrangements to the benefit of the global standards community