NUFACT 11 SPC meeting I Agenda 1.Summary of local organizing committee work layout of meeting reservation of rooms Social program Accommodation 2. Program committee members 3. WG and conveners 3.1 NUFACT questions 3.2 preparations by conveners 4. poster session 5. plenary talks -- welcomes etc.. -- CERN seminar -- round table discussion -- plenary sessions program, special talks 6. summary of actions and next meeting
LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Local organizing committee Alain Blondel (UNIGE) (co-Chair) Ilias Efthymiopoulos (CERN) (Co-Chair) Gersende Prior (CERN) Edda Gschwendtner (CERN) Elena Wildner (CERN) Fanny Dufour (UNIGE) Gustav Wikström (UNIGE) Alex Korzenev (UNIGE) Sebastien Murphy (UNIGE) Conference Secretariat Catherine Blanchard (UNIGE) Françoise Girard Madoux (CERN) Merethe Olafsen (CERN)
Summary of some of local organizing committee work official opening end of this week. layout of meeting see INDICO site with program of meeting monday 1 August meeting at CERN 2,3,4 August meeting at UNIGE (evening lecture on 2 August) 5 August meeting at CERN 6 August meeting at CERN --conclusions early afternoon missing: joint sessions reservation of meeting rooms have been reserved for 4 WG in parallel at CERN and UNIGE Social program social dinner wednesday evening boat on the lake Accommodation block reservations at CERN hostel or student dorms in Geneva (Cheap) have been made, as well as in reasonable hotels in town. Transport: tram line opens in April 2011 from downtown to CERN ~30’
Program committee members Blondel A. Geneva,Switzerland Cervera A. Valencia,Spain Fernow R. BNL,U.S.A. Geer S. Fermilab,U.S.A. Goodman M. ANL,U.S.A. Harris D. Fermilab,U.S.A. Kajita T. ICRR,Japan Kaplan D. I.I.T.,U.S.A Katsanevas S. IN2P3,France Kuno Y. Osaka,Japan Long K. Imperia Coll,U.K. Mondal N.K. TIFR,India Morfin J. Fermilab,U.S.A. Mori Y. Kyoto,Japan Murthy M.V.N. IMSc,India Nishikawa K. KEK,Japan Palladino V. Napoli,Italy Prior C. Ratherford Lab,U.K. Raychaudhuri A. HRI,India Sakuda M. Okayama,Japan Soler F.J.P. Glassgow,U.K. Zisman M. LBNL,U.S.A. Confirmed Declined no answer Added : John Ellis (CERN) Roland Garoby (CERN) suggested Pasquale Migliozzi Hasegawa Patrick Huber Svoboda Jim Strait Bob Palmer Harold Kirk Marcos Dracos
Conveners – all OK now WG1 Patricia Vahle Nakadaira Takeshi Thomas Schwetz-Mangold WG2 Juan Miguel Nieves Mike Kordosky Masahi Yokoyama WG3 Alex Bogacz Elena Wildner Y. Kuriyama WG4 Donato Nicolo Naohito SAITO Robert Bernstein
Plenary talks We need -- talks on theoretical breakthroughs and connection between neutrino paradigm and everything else. -- talks on ongoing experimental situation -- talks on superbeam projects -- talks on beta beam projects (ion production, radiation issues) -- talks on neutrino factory and muon collider (target area, cooling, acceleration) -- talks on detector progress and how they impact the accelerators -- talks on precision of flux determination in SB, BB NF and more -- your suggestions. --
Evening lecture seek French speaking enlightened professor to inspire the crowds suggestions: -- André Rubbia -- John Ellis -- others?
Round table discussion While at CERN suggest round table discussion on Future neutrino facilities and the decision making process in the 2012 horizon Would be interested: Pier Odone, John Womersley etc. … but date is of course an issue seems like 1 August is better date than 5 August.
Seminar at CERN it is proposed to hold a seminar at CERN on e.g. monday afternoon Can LHC discovery shed light on the neutrino paradigm possible speakers (From Mangano) Goran Senjanovic Paco del Aguila Alessandro Strumia Gian Giudice Antonio Masiero