Unit 5, Lesson 12 Internet Service Providers AOIT Computer Networking Copyright © 2008–2011 National Academy Foundation. All rights reserved.
Internet service providers connect you to the Net Internet service providers (ISPs) sell you a connection to the Internet. Types of ISP connections include DSL, cable, satellite, dial-up, and leased line. ISPs may also provide free accounts, web space, or access to local newsgroups.
DSL ISPs are usually phone companies At the customer end, there is a DSL modem and a phone filter. At the ISP end, there is a DSL Access Multiplexer (DSLAM) to receive customer connections. Explain what’s happening in this diagram.
Cable ISPs are usually cable TV companies At the customer end, you install a cable modem that has a USB port, an Ethernet port, or both. Internet information is transported on the same cables that transport cable TV. Data coming from the Internet to your cable modem uses a 6 MHz channel, just like a single channel of cable TV. Data going from your cable modem to the Internet requires just 2 MHz of bandwidth.
Satellite ISPs beam to a satellite from a network operations center Each customer installs an antenna that connects to a small satellite dish. This connects to an indoor unit that connects to a computer using a USB connector. Requests for web pages are beamed from the satellite dish to a satellite orbiting Earth. The satellite beams the request back to the ISP’s network operations center (NOC). The NOC requests the web page and then beams the page up to the satellite, which in turn beams it back down to the customer’s satellite dish. Can you draw a diagram of this transmission procedure?
Your ISP connects your home to the Internet Internet Backbone Your ISP Your House What do you call a large network that connects many smaller local area networks?