getting the message across Gay men and drugs: getting the message across Richard Scholey, Terrence Higgins Trust
Defining ‘drugs’ THT drugs research & work includes: illicit substances subject to Misuse of Drugs Act GBL (gamma butyrolactone) alcohol anabolic steroids poppers (amyl nitrite inhalants) erectile dysfunction meds (eg, Viagra) tranquilisers/benzodiazipines
Defining ‘gay’ MSM = ‘men who have sex with men’ From… men who don’t identify as gay or bisexual, may have sex with women too, maybe only loosely part of the gay subculture (if at all) To… ‘out’ gay men with strong attachment to the gay scene, mostly having sex only with men.
Commonly held beliefs Gay men as hedonistic ‘party animals’ Higher disposable income Risk takers and trend setters Their drug use is social (maybe sexual) Stimulants not depressants or opiates Drug use not linked to crime or anti-social behaviour
Gay v heterosexual drug use Gay men use more drugs Use them for longer Use a wider variety Poly drug use the norm Drugs to facilitate sexual activity Early adaptors of drug trends from overseas
Drugs gay men use Alcohol 92 67 Tobacco 40 40 Poppers 44-50 12 Used in last year (%) weekly use (%) Alcohol 92 67 Tobacco 40 40 Poppers 44-50 12 Cannabis 26-35 7 Viagra 17 3.5 Ecstasy 17-24 2.5 Cocaine 13-22 2 Ketamine 4-13 1.5
Speed 7-19 1 Tranquilisers 4 1.2 GHB/GBL 3-7 0.5 LSD 3-6 0.3 Used in last year (%) weekly use (%) Speed 7-19 1 Tranquilisers 4 1.2 GHB/GBL 3-7 0.5 LSD 3-6 0.3 Crystal meth 3-5 0.3 Crack cocaine 1.5-4 0.3 Heroin 1-3 0.3
Gay men, drug use and HIV risk Most studies come from US Crystal meth and poppers main drivers of infections Main UK study (INSIGHT) found the only drug linked with HIV infection was poppers Key factor with poppers is not disinhibiting effect but physical effect on rectum
Getting messages to gay men Web 68% Booklets 55% Press articles 51% Press ads 39% Talking to a professional 22-32% (not in venues) Groups/workshops 20% Talking to an outreach workers 18% (in venues) Helpline 18%
More research Consuming passions (2005 sex survey) Who’s using what? summary of 2007 drug & alcohol findings Sigma Research reports due soon: full 2007 sex survey data new drugs report: Part #1: review of strategy and policies. Part #2: experiences of ca. 50 men with problematic drug and alcohol use We were acutely aware of the controversy in the 1980’s where poppers were suspected of being the cause of AIDS and have tried to be careful in saying that it is in fact UAI that is the risk activity with popper use an exacerbating factor We are not trying to put men off having sex