Wireless Sensor Networks for Personal Health Monitoring Presented by: I man M ohamed M ohamed A li
Wireless Sensor Networks for Personal Health Monitoring W earable health monitoring systems allow an individual to closely monitor changes in her or his vital signs and provide feedback to help maintain an optimal health status. I f integrated into a tele-medical system, these systems can even alert medical personnel when life-threatening changes occur. W earable systems for continuous health monitoring are a key technology in helping the transition to more proactive and affordable healthcare. I t can provides a quick ambulance help if needed.
The Main Achievements T his work accomplish an unobtrusive, continual, ambulatory health monitoring through the use of Wearable Wireless Body Area Networks as a key infrastructure. T his new technology has potential to offer a wide range of benefits to patients, medical personnel, and society through continuous monitoring in the ambulatory setting, early detection of abnormal conditions, supervised rehabilitation, and potential knowledge discovery through data mining of all gathered information.
The Challenges A rapidly growing population of elderly and rising health care spending. T eaching doctors how to treat with such technologies. I mplementing such a technology needs a very high coast due to the infrastructure required to such a technology to be implemented in every patient’s home, also the devices like sink nodes and suitable sensors.
Figure illustration of the whole network WWBAN integrated into a telemedical system for health monitoring. WWBAN Wearable Wireless Body/Personal Area Network
Innovation T he pre-explained technology can be presented as a suite owned by the patient who needs frequent diagnosis, and later on it can be available for every home like the essential devices e.g. (telephone, television and internet), and so we can achieve the following: S ave hospitals for urgent cases only. H elp in traffic reduction by helping cases to be diagnosed home. S aving energy for both the patient and the doctor.
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