Five Themes of Geography Location Region Human Environment Interaction Place Movement
Location Everyone and everything occupies a place on earth. Relative – Not exact - described by landmarks, time, direction or distance from one place to another. ie. Take exit 12 off highway 103, turn right and NGRHS is twenty minutes off the highway. Absolute – Exact - a latitude and longitude or a street address. ie. 44 School Street or 44º41’12”N, 66º48’57”W
Region distinctive part of the Earth defined according to some particular criterion or set of criteria allows similarities or differences and patterns on the planet’s surface to be identified Can be based on similarities within a physical landscape, resource base or political ie. regions of seismic activity, ethnic regions within a city, Corn Belt of Canada, The Prairies, rainforests
Human Environment Interaction We live in and form part of the earth’s environment. We change it for our needs. We depend on, adapt to and modify the environment ie: planting a garden, mining, ski resort, wear warm clothes
Place defined or distinguished by physical and human characteristics gives character and dimension to place ie. Brewery market--smell of bread baking, bustling people
Movement what connects all types of communication and global interdependence Goods, people, ideas, architecture, fashion, foods all move. ie. satellite dish, airplanes, migration, Internet