Kharkov National Medical University Department of Hygiene and Ecology №1 HUMAN ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH
Main problems of lecture : Сoncept "Human environment" and its significance for health. Main regularities of environment influence on health. Preventive measures for environment attacks and prophylaxis of the illnesses connected with them.
Term definition “ Human environment " means natural habitat and production activity of the mankind, comprises the elements of natural and artificial character, which predetermine physiological processes in the organism, level of health and capacity for work by means of constant influence a human body
Human environment
external environment Production environment internal environment
Internal environment The internal environment of an organism - a collection of fluids (blood, lymph, tissue fluid), which washed the cells and tissues involved in the implementation of the metabolism of the organism.
External environment The external environment - part of the environment, which comes into contact with the epithelium of the skin and mucous membranes, affects all types of receptors that perceive the world around us. It is individual for each person.
External environment Environment of habitation - a set of interrelated abiotic and biotic factors that are outside of the organism and determine its vital functions. It is a residential home, a place of rest, the vehicle, hospital, etc. Human activity in the environment of habitation is outside of production (manufacture).
Environment of habitation
External environment Work environment - part of the environment that surrounds human, formed by natural and climatic conditions, and professional (physical, chemical, biological, social) factors that affect it in the workplace.
Work environment
External environment Unmodified natural environment - is unaltered by direct or indirect influence of human society, natural environment, which is different to the ability of self-correction without human influence.
Unmodified natural environment
External environment The modified natural (polluted) environment - the environment changed its unwise use of the human during the activity, so that there is a negative impact on its health, its activities, living conditions. Identical within the meaning of the concept of a modified natural environment by human concepts, anthropogenic, denatured environment.
The modified natural environment
External environment Artificial environment - an environment created by man for the interim maintenance of its life and activity in an artificially created confined space.
Artificial environment
External environment Social environment - part of the environment, which determines the social, material and spiritual conditions of its formation, the existence and activities.
Social environment
External environment Biosphere - part of the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere of the Earth, in which there is activity of living organisms. Human ecology, or social ecology, intensive studies the laws of human society, the relationship with the environment and problems of its protection
External environment Etiological factor - the cause of a disease process that determines its character and individual features. Etiologic risk factor - an endogenous or exogenous influence on a person that contributes to the development of disease or death, not being a direct cause of them.
External environment
External environment Contaminant - аny natural or anthropogenic physical, chemical agent or biological species, which is released into the environment or it occurs in amounts greater than the usual content, or exceed the permissible limits.
River polluted by pesticides
External environment Biotic factors zoogenic phytogenic microbiogenic anthropogeni c
External environment Abiotic factors chemic al physica l biologica l
Environment and health Human Health - vital activity, which is in close relationship with the dynamic etiological factors of the environment, does not exceed the compensatory-adaptive mechanisms and is characterized by complete (free hand) freedom. Health of the population - a statistical concept that is characterized by a complex socio-economic and demographic indices, level of physical development, morbidity and disability specific groups of people.
Environment and health Illness - total or partial restriction of vital activity, due to the disruption of the compensatory - adaptive mechanisms under the influence of external and internal factors and is characterized by restraint of (free hand) freedom. Disease - the fact of the disease in an individual. The concept of disease concerns a specific person, in contrast to the concept of the disease, which is used to refer to abstract a nosological unity.
influence of the external environment factors external environment sanogeni c pathogeni c indifferen t (optimum )
Levels of influence of the external environment factors Optimum level (for the whole population) Permissible level (for industrial enterprises) Maximum permissible level (MPL ) (for industrial enterprises in case of emergency) Maximum endurable level (for minimum labor activity)
Environment and health