5 th Grade Unit 2 Visionary Thinking-Fiction
RL.5.1RL.5.2RL.5.3 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic. Summarize the text. Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (how characters interact)
Sample Schedule Monday-Read The Most Magnificent Thing Book Tuesday- Read What Do You Do With an Idea Wednesday-Watch Video-Mother Necessity. Invention Convention Stuff Thursday- Friday-
Day 1 Read-The Most Magnificent Thing
How do the thoughts and actions of the character better help me understand the character? We often have to look at the actions and thoughts of characters to truly know them! Let’s revisit our FAST anchor chart.
F eelings what does the character feel? How do you know? *When the text is first person we will know more about the feelings of the narrator. A ctions What does the character do? Why do they do it? How do these actions help us understand the character better? S ayings What does the character say? What do others say about the character? T houghts What are the character’s thoughts? Do they give us more insight to the character’s personality?
Day 2 Read What Do You Do With an Idea?
How do the thoughts and actions of the character better help me understand the character? We often have to look at the actions and thoughts of characters to truly know them! Let’s revisit our FAST anchor chart.
F eelings what does the character feel? How do you know? *When the text is first person we will know more about the feelings of the narrator. A ctions What does the character do? Why do they do it? How do these actions help us understand the character better? S ayings What does the character say? What do others say about the character? T houghts What are the character’s thoughts? Do they give us more insight to the character’s personality?
Writing about Reading! You have listened to two stories about what can be done with an idea. Write an response that tells the theme of each book as well as describing the girl from The Most Magnificent Thing and boy from What Do You Do With an Idea? For each character description remember to explain what the traits and refer to the text to back up your explanation. **Think 3 paragraphs The first a quick overview of the books and their themes. The second about the girl, and the third about the boy.
Day 3 Let’s think like an inventor!!
What Causes a Person to Become an Inventor? AZo
Let’s Think Like an Inventor!
Invention Convention Groups! In your groups you will brainstorm a list of potential inventions! Remember our video-the best inventions are based on necessity!! In your groups you will list your potential inventions and consider: The customer Pricing A ‘prototype’ Packaging A slogan A catchy name Creating an ad
Continue in your groups!
Day 5! Commercial Time!!