Genetics and Crop Improvement Varietals Selection of CIP germplasm in Bangladesh August, 2013
Introduction This experiment is based in 2 statistical designs: RCBD Observation plot Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Experimental brief: 15 CIP clone & 2 CV Year:
Introduction.. Locality Dinajpur Locality Debigonj Plot I Plot II Plot III Rep. I Rep. II Rep. III Plot I Plot II Plot III Rep. I Rep. II Rep. III
Objetives The following objectives are sought with this design: To gather the opinion of the parties involved in the selection of possible new varieties. To characterize the preferences that exist in the different regions. To validate a methodology in order to be able to systematically compare results between sites and different years.
Advantages Some advantages are: Ensure that the varieties meet the needs of the breeders and stakeholders. Early acceptance of varieties. Early access to greater genetic diversity in breeding materials. Increased ability to manipulate resources in different environments and seasons.
. 1. Vegetative development: Identification selection criteria Ranking selection criteria 2. Harvest: Evaluation tuber yield Identification selection criteria Ranking selection criteria Organoleptic evaluation 3. Post-harvest: Sprouting & weight loss Identification selection criteria Ranking selection criteria Main exercises / measurements during the selection cycle
Vegetative Stage of Evaluation Harvest Post-Harvest Main exercises / measurements during the selection cycle
Phases This table shows the phases, components, and methods PhaseComponentMethod Trial, materials and site information Minimal - basic dataList Trial information, management and evaluation data List Management calendarList Soil analysis (#)Soil analysis Climate data (#)Weather station List of materialsList Flowering (vegetative development) Gathering and ranking of selection criteriaGroup Identification & ranking Ranking of preferred clones by plotRanking Harvest Gathering and ranking of selection criteriaGroup Identification & ranking Ranking of preferred clones by plotRanking Standard evaluation of yieldDirect observation by counting and weighing Post-Harvest Organoleptic EvaluationBy panel (women / men) Standard EvaluationDirect Observation Gathering and ranking of selection criteriaGroup Identification & ranking Ranking of the preferred clonesRanking # = optional
. Dinajpur Debigonj Evaluation at vegetative stage
Dinajpur Debigonj 1 st :Early Bulking: 73 2 nd :Late Blight resistant: 62 3 rd : Strong stem: 50 1st :Early Bulking: 94 2nd :Late Blight resistant: 64 3rd : Minimum use of fertilizer: 47..
Cone/Variety RCBD Trial Score Men (corn) RCBD Trial Score Women (beans) Observation plot Score Men (corn) Observation plot Score Women (beans) Global Score Order of ranking CIP III CIP II CIP XIII CIP XII CIP IX CIP I CIP VIII CIP IX LB IX LB IX LB XII LB V CIP XI CIP X CIP VI Cardinal (CV) VII Diamant (CV) IV Total Clonal selection at Debigonj
Clone/Variety RCBD Trial Score Men (corn) RCBD Trial Score Women (beans) Observation plot Score Men (corn) Observation plot Score Women (beans) Global Score Order of ranking CIP III CIP IX CIP XIV CIP XI CIP I CIP VIII CIP IV CIP X LB X LB VI LB XIII LB VI CIP XII CIP XII CIP V Cardinal (CV) VII Diamant (CV) II Total Clonal selection at Dinajpur
Debigonj Dinajpur Evaluation at Harvest stage Gathering and Ranking of Criteria” (time of harvest)
Criteria Men (n=32) Order if Importance Women (n=28) Order if Importance Total (n=60) Order if Importance Score Good yield89I45I134I Good storage42II25II67II Good taste20III30III50III Red color15IV22V37V Early variety12V37IV49IV Good Shape7VI2VII9 Medium size4VII6VI10VI Disease resistant3VIII1 4 Total Dinajpur
Criteria Men (n=33) Order if Importance Women (n=27) Order if Importance Total (n=60) Order if Importance Score Good yield70I12I82I Good size (medium)10V54II64II Early variety35II22III57III Disease resistant12IV42V54IV Good marketing2VII2IX4 Good storage35II9V44V Good taste28III2VI30VI Sticky nature4VI14VII18VII Shallow eyes0VIII5 5 Red color2VII0X2X Total Debigonj
Rank of order Reasons of selectionName of clones/varieties RCBD TrialObservation plot DinajpurDebigonjDinajpurDebigonj I Good yield Red in color & uniform Good size & shape Good taste Good storage ability Early maturity Market friendly Disease resistance CIP-126CIP-112CIP-126LB-12 II Good yield Good size & shape Good storage ability Like as indigenous variety Red in color Good taste LB-12CIP-14CIP-112CIP-126 III Good yield Red in color Good size Like as indigenous variety Good taste CIP-112CIP-111CIP-139CIP-112 Ranking of the Best Clones by Farmer (time of harvest)
CIP-112 Placed 1 st at Debigonj CIP-126 Placed 1 st at Dinajpur CIP-139 CIP-111 CIP-14 LB-12
Organoleptic Evaluation Debigonj
Factor Name of clones FirstSecondThird AppearanceCIP-112CIP-139CIP117 TasteCIP-112CIP-139CIP117 TextureCIP-112CIP-139LB-12 Dinajpur
Factor Name of clones/Varieties FirstSecondThird AppearanceCIP-112CardinalCIP-131 TasteCIP-112LB-2Cardinal TextureCIP-112CIP-139CIP-131 Debigonj
Clones/Varieties Yield (t/ha) DinajpurDebigonj Average CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP LB LB LB LB CIP CIP CIP CIP Cardinal (CV) Diamant (CV) CV (%) LSD (0.05) Yield performance
Criteria Men (n=20) Order if Importance Women (n=20) Order if Importance Total (n=40) Order if Importance Score No color change after storage 19III12V31 III No hollow heart 0 8VI8VII No shrinkage after storage 1VI0 1IX Less sprouting 9IV16IV25IV No change to taste after storage 21II31I52 II Less weight loss 5V2VII7VIII Less rottage 55I28II83 I No black heart 9IV0 9VI Tight Skin 1VI23III24V TOTAL Gathering and Ranking of Criteria (post-harvest) Dinajpur
Criteria Men (n=32) Order if Importance Women (n=28) Order if Importance Total (n=60) Order if Importance Score Not harmful to human health9VI12 IV 21V No shrinkage after storage7VII9 V 16VII No color change after storage11V7 VIII 18VI Not easy to became soft after storage1IX7 VIII 8IX Less rottage after storage41I15 III 56 I Less sprouting14III9 V 23IV No change to taste after storage13IV36 I 49 II Storage insect resistance4VIII8 VI 12VIII Less storage disease or resistant20II17 II 37 III TOTAL Debigonj
Ranking of the Best Clones in Storage (post-harvest) at both locations Clone/Variety DinajpurDebigonj Global Score Order of Ranking Male Score Female Score Male Score Female Score CIP IV CIP VI CIP IX CIP XII CIP V CIP I CIP XI CIP VII LB VIII LB XIII LB III LB XIV CIP XIII CIP X CIP XV Cardinal (CV) II Diamant (CV) XIII Total
Standard Evaluation: Number of Sprouts, Tuber Weight and Health (post-harvest) Clone/varieties% Weight loss at 90 DAS% Rottage loss 90 DAS% Sprout 90 DAS DebigonjDinajpurDebigonjDinajpurDebigonjDinajpur CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP LB LB LB LB Cardinal Diamant
. Friedman test Is a non- parametric statistical test. It is used to detect differences in treatments across multiple test attempts. The procedure involves ranking each row (or block) together, then considering the values of ranks by columns. Applicable to complete block designs.
Statistical Analysis Friedman Friedman test is a nonparametric analysis of a randomized block experiment. It is used to detect differences in treatments across multiple test attempts. ANOVA ANOVA is a parametric analysis of a randomized block experiment It is used to detect differences in treatments across multiple test attempts. Kruskal-Wallis Performs a nonparametric analysis of the one- way analysis of variance The Kruskal-Wallis hypotheses are: - H0: the population medians are all equal versus - H1: the medians are not all equal
Statistical Analysis Principal Components PCA is a data reduction technique used to identify a small set of variables that account for a large proportion of the total variance in the original variables. Components can be calculated from the correlation matrix or the covariance matrix. Output consists of the eigenvalues, the proportion and cumulative proportion of the total variance explained by each principal component, and the coefficients for each principal component.
Consolidation of evaluations: Principal Componentes
Consolidation of evaluations: Used weights and ranking
FFrom the studied there were six CIP clones (CIP-111, CIP- 112, CIP-126, CIP-139, CIP-14 and LB-12) selected for next year trial. Conclusion
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