Spain Monarchs France A B S O L U T I S M In E U R O P E
These two rulers expelled the Muslims and the Jews from Spain in 1492 These two rulers expelled the Muslims and the Jews from Spain in 1492 Who was Ferdinand and Isabella?
He was the author of Don Quixote. Who was Miguel Cervantes?
He became the King of Spain after Charles V Who was Philip II ?
He was Charles V’s greatest eastern rival? ( That Turkey) He was Charles V’s greatest eastern rival? ( That Turkey) Who was Suleiman the Magnificent?
This was the name of Philip II’s famous palace? This was the name of Philip II’s famous palace? What was the Escorial?
This was the huge sea battle that was fought for control of the Mediterranean Sea in This was the huge sea battle that was fought for control of the Mediterranean Sea in What was the Battle of Lepanto?
This was the section of the Spanish Empire that revolted against Spanish rule? What was the Netherlands?
This is what Philip II sent to conquer England in 1588? This is what Philip II sent to conquer England in 1588? What was the Spanish Armada?
What was the Siglo de Oro or the Golden Century? This is what the period from is sometimes called in Spanish history?
These were the two great painters of Spain during the Golden Century. Who were Diego Velasquez and El Greco?
This is a king or ruler who has total control of his subjects and his country’s economy and government. What is an Absolute Monarch?
He became the next Holy Roman Emperor after Charles V abdicated or resigned. Who was Ferdinand I of Austria?
This was the royal family of Charles V, Philip II, and Ferdinand I of Austria. What was the Hapsburg Dynasty?
These were the two Dynasties of French Kings. Who were the Valois and the Bourbons?
He is the first Bourbon King who merges the two families. Who was Henry IV or Henry of Navarre?
This is what the King of France issues in 1598 which allows French Protestants to live in Catholic France. What was the Edict of Nantes it was written in France it let all the Protestants stay and dance?
In order to be powerful, French kings had to undermine or weaken the power of these groups. Who were the nobles, Hapsburgs, and the Huguenots?
He was the King of the 17 th century, whose culture, style, and customs became the standard for the world. Who was Louis XIV or the Sun King?
This was the Treaty that ended the War of the Spanish Succession? What was the Treaty of Utrecht?
This was the name for tax collectors that were loyal to the French King. What were intendants?
What was the name of the royal advisor, who helped establish King Louis XIII of France as the most powerful monarch in Europe What was the name of the royal advisor, who helped establish King Louis XIII of France as the most powerful monarch in Europe Who was the Cardinal Armand Richelieu?
The Grand Alliance of European powers wanted to maintain this by preventing France from joining with Spain and forming a large Empire. What was a balance of power?
What European nation replaces Spain as the most powerful in Europe and remains the strongest until What was France?
This was the royal family of France? Who were the Bourbons?
This was the name for French Protestants. Who were the Huguenots?
The was the name of the king of France’s famous palace. What was the Palace at Versailles?