1 Peter 1:1-9.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Peter 1:1-9

1. What does Peter mean by “elect” and why does he call his readers “strangers in the world”? The elect are those chosen by God to be saved We are strangers here because heaven is our home. The world does not know us.   2. What roles have the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit played in our lives? (verse 2) The Father chose us The Spirit sanctifies us Jesus sprinkled us with his blood for the forgiveness of our sins.

3. Peter will encourage his readers to hold firm to the faith in the midst of persecution. But before he does, he overwhelms us with the great blessings God has given us. Meditate on these blessings in preparation for Peter’s encouragement to go through persecution: “great mercy” It is not just enough, it is more and better than we could have imagined “new birth” We were spiritually dead, but we have been made alive in Christ. Ephesians 2:1-5 “living hope” A hope that is not like the stock market. It is real and certain and unchanging.

“an inheritance that can never . . . fade” It is safe. What easily happens to an inheritance “shielded by God’s power” We live in a state of grace and through that we are safe from Satan. Satan has his limits – like a chained dog. (think of Job) “salvation that is ready to be revealed” We are all set, ready and eager for Judgment Day

4. What does Peter tell us about the length of our troubles?  They are only a little while compared to eternity 5. We live by faith. What do our troubles do in relation to our faith? The Lord uses our troubles to refine our faith. If the Lord blesses us through suffering, what is a God pleasing reaction to our troubles?

6. As one of God’s people, what is the source of your joy? Our salvation.

1 Peter 1:10-16 1. Sometimes we think of the Old Testament as filled merely with laws and prophecies. What does Peter see when he looks at the Old Testament?  The OT prophets were eagerly trying to learn more to figure out who the Savior would be. They saw grace. They also knew they were writing for our sakes.  We get to see it all! 2. In Peter’s day, the Jewish leaders often tried to squelch Christian congregations and influence the people to come back to the old Jewish religion. This may explain why Peter spoke about the Old Testament prophets immediately after he spoke about persecution. How would his words about the prophets help his readers overcome pressure to return to Judaism? They would better see how the OT was being misused by the persecutors.

3. Where do we fix our eyes as we resist temptation and live as God’s people? (verse 13)  We fix them on the grace of God, and Christ’s second coming. 4. Peter quotes the Old Testament where God says, “Be holy, because I am holy” (Leviticus 11:44). Sometimes that verse is used to preach the law and remind us we can never be as holy as God. But does it really do that here? Why does Peter quote this verse? It is a Gospel motivated encouragement to live for Jesus.

5. What is the “ignorance” Peter speaks about in verse 14 5. What is the “ignorance” Peter speaks about in verse 14? What does ignorance lead us to do? Unbelief Live for our sinful nature

1 Peter 1:17-21 1. We are to live our lives in view of God’s judgment. Sometimes we hesitate to speak like that, for we know we have been cleansed by Christ’s blood; we have nothing to fear in the judgment for we will be judged on the basis of his works, not ours. Yet the Bible writers often speak of God judging us in view of our works. How do you understand Peter’s encouragement to us to serve the Lord because he will judge our works? (verse 17)  We are new creations able to do good works. Ephesians 2:10  Our good works as made holy by Christ. His holiness is applied to us Romans 4:20-24 2. How do verses 18-21 make it clear that we are not saved by our works? We have been redeemed by his holy precious blood

3. Recall that many Christians in Peter’s day were being pressured by the Jews around them to convert back to Judaism. Interpret Peter’s words in verses 18 and 19 in view of this.  Without Christ all of the Old Testament ceremony in worship was empty ritual. 4. How great is Jesus? Verses 20 & 21. All we are, and will be is because of Jesus.

5. The law and the gospel are woven together in Scripture 5. The law and the gospel are woven together in Scripture. When you read this section, what does the law say to you? What does the gospel say to you? The Law – God doesn’t play favorites, he will not overlook sin, a religion of works is worthless and empty The Gospel – We are children of God and citizens of God’s kingdom. All because of Jesus’

1 Peter 1:22–2:3 1. Verse 22 contains insight into how we have become believers and what we should do as God’s people. Focus on each of these statements and describe what you are as a Christian. “purified yourselves” Through Jesus we have holiness applied to us “by obeying the truth”  ”in the sphere of obedience of the truth” “so that you have sincere love” Result is non hypocritical love “love one another deeply” We eagerly work to overcome our and our fellow believers sinful natures

2. Verses 23 and 25 also give us insight into what we are as Christians. Focus on each of these statements. “been born again” The “When”  this happened in the past – made spiritually alive by Christ “through the living and enduring word of God” The “how” – through the word of God which is active and will never disappear “This is the word that was preached to you.” They have it and so do we! Links them to the Old Testament

3. To what is the “therefore” of 2:1 referring?  Links the following to the fact that we have been born again. 4. How should we be like newborn babies? Be eager for our spiritual food – the word of God

5. How can the quotation in 1:24,25 help us age gracefully? It helps us to see ourselves realistically as we proceed on our way to heaven.