Pre-Listening Skills. Prediction of the topic(who? what? where? when?), content and answers (ordinal/cardinal number? yes/no? proper/common noun?) Comprehension of the task/question. Background information (finding out what students know about a topic Vocabulary buildlng exercises brainstorming and list making classification
Whilst LIstening Listening for gist. Scanning for specific information. (how do you scan on a listening exercise? these are for READING exercise Cultural reference. Grammatical reference. Inferring. Phonetics/Phonology. Intensive Listening. Extensive listening. Bias and opinion. listening for certain words or phrases True/false questions Cloze exercises
Post Listening Summarizing. New lexis. Paraphrasing review of new vocabulary confirmation of understanding of content Explication or expansion adding opinions and disagreeing. Free conversation on a guided topic