Report Patient Questionnaire 2013 Dr S. J. Swinden Darnall Health Centre 2 York Road
ProblemPlanActionOutcome Problem with getting an appointment To release the appointments in the morning so you do not have to call back in the afternoon The reception staff looked at the distribution of appointments and organised the appointment system to allow for pre-bookable appointments and those on the day. The patients were informed of the change for a month before and it was advertised within the Practice. Appointments system was then changed morning. The patient questionnaire has not indicated that any more people get an appointment when they needed one, but there was an increase in the number of patients who got one that week To create a waiting list to call patients back when an appointment becomes available The Reception staff looked at the clinical system and trained how to develop a waiting lists, and this should be managed The Reception staff now have a waiting list on the clinical system where they can record patients names and call them when an appointment becomes available
ProblemPlanActionOutcome Problem with getting an appointment To have telephone appointments for the nurses to call patients back The practice looked at the nurses appointment systems and reviewed how this service would be best be implemented. Time slots were allocated. It was agreed that these telephone appointments were not to be used as a triage service. The Practice has successfully implemented this service. There has been positive feedback from patients, the Patient Participation Group. It has also been seen as a valuable service by both the reception staff and nursing staff. To introduce nurse triageWe reviewed the clinical risk, training, time, demand and also we reviewed various clinical systems The Practice was unable to implement this service. This was due to the logistics of time to train staff and have the service available on a daily basis. Furthermore Practice would be unable support the clinical systems that are currently avaiable.
ProblemPlanActionOutcome Problem with getting an appointment To conduct an audit of demand for the The staff were asked to gather data on request for appointments Reception staff found the data collection exercise was difficult to maintain. There was inconsistency across the staff about collecting data. It will be recommend that another audit be conducted and will seek advise from outside agencies. At times of high demand the practice will put on extra cover The Practice through years of experience recognises that the demand for appointments is seasonal. At times were demand for appointments has increased and the Practice has been able to obtain extra locum cover The Practice has in the past year put on extra clinics that run between sessions and has increased the well woman clinics to meet the demand of the population.
ProblemPlanActionOutcome Patients felt that they could not get through on the telephone The Practice will purchase a new telephone system The Practice approached a number of telephone providers and look at the telephone facilities and cost of running each system. The Practice has purchased a new telephone system, but had a number of problems with the phone lines. The Practice has since had a replacement system in place, which appears to be now operating satisfactorily. The practice will change the telephone number from 0845 to a local number The Practice had the opportunity to change the telephone number when purchasing the new system. The patients were informed via prescription slips, informed when the attended the practice, it was advised in the Practice and on the internet through both the Practice web site and NHS CHOICES. Furthermore a message was left on the old telephone system to inform patients who phoned after the date The Practice is now compliant with Government recommendations.
ProblemPlanActionOutcome Patients felt that they could not get through on the telephone The system will have the facility to call just one number for appointments and prescriptions. When the Practice was purchasing the telephone system, patient access was the most important aspect of the service. The Practice included another line to the system which increased the Practice capacity to take calls. Patients can now call one number and be given an option to choose which service the need. The Practice continues to have two incoming lines. These were kept for logistical reasons. Calls from the other lines can be easily accessed through the system. The patients satisfaction rate in getting through to the practice increased from 74% to 92% The system will let you know where you are in the queuing system The Practice looked at this facility with each of the potential providers The Practice considered that the cost of having such a system was not cost effective at this time.
ProblemPlanActionOutcome Patients felt that they could not get through on the telephone The Practice to have telephone calls recorded The Practice reviewed the recoding options with each of the potential providers and how effective it would be. The Practice has purchased a system that records telephone calls. Due to the initial problems with the telephone system the recording of calls was inconsistent. This has now been rectified and staff will be using the system for training to improve customer service Patients were unaware that they could book appointments in advanced To ensure that patients are aware that they can book appointments in advanced The reception staff to ensure that they are able to have a later appointment if the patient can not get access that day. The practice will advertise that appointments will be available in advance All the Practice staff have been informing patients that appointments can be booked in advanced. The practice advertises this on the prescription counterfoil, within newsletters and within the Practice. However the Patient questionnaire does not reflect this activity so further work will need to be done in this area
ProblemPlanActionOutcome That reception staff are unhelpful To provide staff with training on customer service training To purchase training for staff All staff have undertaken training on customer service. This was reflected in the Patient Questionnaire. In % of patients were unhappy with the service they received from the Reception staff and this improved, as only 3% of patients felt unhapy about their service. Ensure that staff have regular meetings Reception staff to arrange to have meetings approximately once a month. The reception staff have been having regular meetings. This has allowed for the staff to explore problems areas within reception and help improve, and they feel this has helped improve the service they deliver
ProblemPlanActionOutcome Patients felt that they were not involved in decisions about their care To introduce patient centred Action plans To liaise with the PCT and other health care providers to assist in the implementation Action plans There has been much work around this area. Those patients with COPD have been provided with action plans. There is currently ongoing work with the Practice Association Hallam University and Expert Patient around this area. For clinicians to use decision aids To liase with the PCT around the use of these tools There has been work around this area. In the last few months there has been a release of recommended decision aid tools made available for clinicians to use. These have yet to be implemented into practice as training will be required
ProblemPlanActionOutcome Patients felt that clinicians had not listened to them Clinician will attend communication workshops and customer service To purchase training for clinicians All the clinical staff have undertaken training in communication. This is reflected in the patient questionnaire. In % felt that the clinician had listened to them, and in % of patients felt that they had been listened to. Patients did not feel that they had received enough information about their health For clinicians to improve the amount of information they provide to patients For clinicians to utilise the resources that are available for patient information. For clinicians to check patients level of understanding To direct patients to sources of reliable information To ensure that patient information within the Practice is current The clinical staff have taken onboard the need to provide patients with more information. Clinicians have been utilising the available resources that they have increase patients information. This is reflected in the Patient Questionnaire. In % of patients felt they had received enough information, and 6% feeling they did not need any information. The 2013 questionnaire has shown that 88% of patients felt that they had enough information with 8 % not needing any further information