{ Hieroglyphics By: Marianna chacon, Stephanie Neff, Rebecca Lang, Brittany Aguilar.
Egyptian Hieroglyphs were a formal system of writing used by ancient Egyptians. Ancient Egyptians combined logographic and alphabetic elements. Egyptians culture declined and disappeared nearly two thousand years Egyptian Hieroglyphs
The Rosetta Stone The Rosetta Stone is stone stele inscribed with a decree issued at Memphis in 196 BC on behalf of King Ptolemy V. The decree issued appears in three scripts: the upper text is Ancient Egyptian. If it wasn’t for the Rosetta Stone, we would have no idea how to read hieroglyphics. The stone was discovered with the language written on it, but it was found written in Greek.
The Rosetta Stone (development)
*Hieratic Script was developed from Hieroglyphics. *It was once used a lot, during a period of time and was used by several countries. *Was established as a scribal practice ( the ability for humans to read and/ or write)
Hieratic Script was used for writing administrative documents (which is sort of a custom document) It was limited because of religion. You could only learn certain words or amount and were limited on how much of it could be used. It was carved the first time it was written. HIERATIC SCRIPT (USES )
Hieroglyphics writing Hieroglyphics are one of the first languages. Hieroglyphics were difficult to learn, but were used a lot. People would learn it for their religion ( which could be about their gods or heavens) Hieroglyphics were in form of pictures and symbols. This writing was used by Egyptians in the Ancient times.
W HY WAS H IEROGLYPHICS CREATED ? It was very time consuming to create. It was created to make their lives easier. They began to develop Hieroglyphics because of the beginning of civilization. Since it took so long to make, they created the Hieratic Script in process. The Hieratic Script was used for writing. ( which is why they created it in the process)
Hieroglyphics CAN still be used, but they’re not. The Egyptians no longer use Hieroglyphics, they now use a language called “ Arabic”. Arabic is used a lot by many people, not just Egyptians.
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