JBODs (just a bunch of disks)
See under the “Storage Spaces” Category
SAS JBOD SSD SAS JBOD SSD SAS JBOD SSD SAS JBOD SSD SAS JBOD SSD SAS JBOD SSD SAS HBA 8KB random reads from a mirrored space (disk) ~600,000 IOPS 8KB random reads from cache (RAM) ~1,000,000 IOPS 32KB random reads from a mirrored space (disk) ~500,000 IOPS ~16.5 GBytes/sec
NICThroughput 1Gb Ethernet~0.1 GB/sec 10Gb Ethernet~1.1 GB/sec 40Gb Ethernet~4.5 GB/sec 32Gb InfiniBand (QDR)~3.8 GB/sec 54Gb InfiniBand (FDR)~6.5 GB/sec HBAThroughput 3Gb SAS x4~1.1 GB/sec 6Gb SAS x4~2.2 GB/sec 4Gb FC~0.4 GB/sec 8Gb FC~0.8 GB/sec 16Gb FC~1.5 GB/sec Bus SlotThroughput PCIe Gen2 x4~1.7 GB/sec PCIe Gen2 x8~3.4 GB/sec PCIe Gen2 x16~6.8 GB/sec PCIe Gen3 x4~3.3 GB/sec PCIe Gen3 x8~6.7 GB/sec PCIe Gen3 x16~13.5 GB/sec MemoryThroughput DDR2-400 (PC2-3200)~3.4 GB/sec DDR2-667 (PC2-5300)~5.7 GB/sec DDR (PC2-8500)~9.1 GB/sec DDR3-800 (PC3-6400)~6.8 GB/sec DDR (PC )~11.4 GB/sec DDR (PC )~13.7 GB/sec DDR (PC )~18.3 GB/sec
DEMO >1 million IOps in a VM
DEMO Tiered Storage
DEMO Write-Back Caching
VHDX can align to 512, 512e and 4096 byte disks Dynamic/Differencing VHDXs grow 10x faster than VHD 40% faster 64k writes to a fully expanded VHDX VHDX online resize: Resize-VHD -path C:\temp\test.vhdx -ToMinimumSize
Shared VHDX (vSAS) for Fixed and Dynamic disks Storage QoS per VHD Soft minimums, hard maximums CSV re-balancing RDMA flooding 8KB IOps increased from: 300,000 IOps per interface to 450,000
# Find all eligible disks $disks = Get-PhysicalDisk |? {$_.CanPool -eq $true} # Looking at the MediaType for the PhysicalDisks $disks | Select FriendlyName, Manufacturer, Model, MediaType # Changing the MediaType to SSD Set-PhysicalDisk -FriendlyName PhysicalDisk1 -MediaType SSD # Changing the MediaType to HDD Set-PhysicalDisk -FriendlyName PhysicalDisk1 -MediaType HDD
# Create a new Storage Pool New-StoragePool -StorageSubSystemFriendlyName *Spaces* -FriendlyName TieredPool -PhysicalDisks $disks
# Define the Pool Storage Tiers $ssd_tier = New-StorageTier -StoragePoolFriendlyName TieredPool -FriendlyName SSD_Tier -MediaType SSD $hdd_tier = New-StorageTier -StoragePoolFriendlyName TieredPool -FriendlyName HDD_Tier -MediaType HDD
# Creation of a Tiered Storage Space with a Write-Back Cache $vd1 = New-VirtualDisk -StoragePoolFriendlyName TieredPool - FriendlyName TieredSpace $hdd_tier) - ResiliencySettingName Mirror -WriteCacheSize 5GB
# Assign a File to SSD Tier Set-FileStorageTier -FilePath E:\MarketingPoolVMParent.vhdx – DesiredStorageTier ($vd1 | Get-StorageTier -MediaType SSD) # Assign a File to HDD Tier Set-FileStorageTier -FilePath E:\Archive1.vhdx – DesiredStorageTier ($vd1 | Get-StorageTier -MediaType HDD)
# Get the list of assigned files, the tier, and the status for the Volume “E" Get-FileStorageTier -VolumeDriveLetter E # Get the tier and status of a specific file Get-FileStorageTier -FilePath E:\MarketingPoolVMParent.vhdx