Over-65 Population Will Double by 2050 Kinsella, Kevin and Wan He. U.S. Census Bureau and National Institute on ageing. International Population Reports. An ageing World: 2008, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC Ageing Population U.S.JAPANEUROPECHINA
gene expression level Signs of Ageing Target the Sources of Ageing Competitors SOURCES
Organisms Level Genetic Level Cellular Level Youthful feeling Productivity of the cell YGCs expressed at youthful levels Youthfulness; From Genes to Cells to Organism
Same DNA… Different expression levels
1. As you age your genetic symphony gets out of tune Simple Explanation of Gene Expression 2. ageLOC ® ‘re-tunes’ your symphony
chromosome DNA Cell gene
Youthful gene expression Gene 1 Gene 2 Ageing gene expression Youthful gene expression Ageing gene expression
Structure and Size of DNA
After 20 years and billions of dollars in research… Sequencing the Human Genome
What does this tell us about ageing? Sequencing the Human Genome
Pioneers in Ageing Research Richard Weindruch, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin Tomas Prolla, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin
Thousands of genes in a gene chip Gene expression profile
YOUNG OLD “Activating” Putting everything in a clean state
19 ageLOC ® Ingredient Screening YOUNG GENE EXPRESSION OLD GENE EXPRESSION Low ExpressionHigh Expression
YOUNG GENE EXPRESSION OLD GENE EXPRESSION Proprietary Gene-Expression Data Bank 30,000 genes per genome 5 individuals per ingredient tested 7 biological conditions (young, old, +5 ingredients) tissues per individual 10.5 Million gene-expression data points!
The ageLOC ® Tool
Organisms Level Genetic Level Cellular Level Youthful feeling Productivity of the cell YGCs expressed at youthful levels Youthfulness; From Genes to Cells to Organism
Mitochondrial Oxidative Activity mmol/g of muscle/min 18~ ~ % “Mitochondrial Dysfunction in the Elderly: Possible Role in Insulin Resistance” Science 16 May 2006; vol 300, no 5622, pp Mitochondrial Activity Declines with Age
Ageing leads to: 1. Decline in cellular energy production 2. Increase in cellular waste and byproducts This graph is a hypothetical representation of cellular energy decline and toxic buildup over time and DOES NOT represent any actual experimental data. Cellular Cleansing Declines with Age ABILITY TO FEEL YOUNG AGE ABILITY TO FEEL YOUNG CELLULAR ENERGY TOXIC BUILDUP
Age-Related Toxin Burden Cellular Purification System Internal Toxic Load Youthful Cell Ageing Cell In youth, cell’s ability to purify itself covers more than the toxic load With ageing, toxic load covers more than cell’s ability to purify External Toxic Load Internal Toxic Load This graph is a hypothetical representation of cellular purification and toxic load over time and DOES NOT represent any actual experimental data.
Ability to Feel Young Cellular Ageing Leads to a Downward Spiral Cellular Energy Declines Cellular Purification Declines Cellular Purification Declines
No energy = No cleaning
Target & Activate Youth Gene Clusters Old Gene Expression Young Gene Expression Old Gene Expression Activate * These heatmaps illustrate gene expression patterns of 3 groups in 2 preclinical studies in mice. Each row represents one gene.Columns 1 and 2 show that each of these genes became more or less active during the ageing process. Column 3 shows gene expression activity reset to a pattern similar to the young group. Cellular energy heatmap based on pre-clinical test with one of the ageLOC R 2 Day ingredients.Cellular purification heatmap based on pre-clinical test with ageLOC R 2. CELLULAR ENERGY YGC CELLULAR PURIFICATION YGC
gene expression level Target the Sources of Ageing SOURCES Signs of Ageing Competitors
Recharged Refreshed Two Mutually Reinforcing YGCs Outcomes of Gene Expression Cellular Oxidative Protection/Cleansing + + Cellular Energy
Identify, Target and Activate the Youth Gene Clusters related to: 1. Cellular Energy Production 2. Cellular oxidative protection and cleansing The Science in a Nutshell
Cellular Oxidative Protection & Cleansing Physical, Mental & Sexual Energy NIGHT DAY ageLOC ® R 2
For men and women who have ever felt flat, sluggish, and out of tune, and who want to feel young. ageLOC ® R 2 Night Take two (2) capsules in the evening ageLOC ® R 2 Day Take six (6) capsules in the morning ageLOC ® R 2 Recommended Use
Targets the sources of ageing rather than the signs ageLOC ® R 2 Advantages Reduced Wellness feeling Ageing appearance SOURCES Competitors
LifePak ® provides a significant nutritional supplement to your healthy diet. Nutrients critical for cellular oxidative protection and cellular energy Dietary antioxidants for added protection from oxidative stress LifePak ® The Perfect Companion
Targeting the sources of ageing on the outside and the inside by delivering a beautiful blend for the look and feel of youth. ageLOC ®