Median Student Growth Percentile For Classroom Teachers and Contributing Professionals 1 ONGL-12/15/14
Median Student Growth Percentile (MSGP) Is what’s new….
Median Student Growth Percentile MSGP calculated for classroom teachers and contributing professionals in grades 4-8 in Reading and/or Math. Teacher MSGP is based on attributed students’ SGP scores in Infinite Campus. Principal may use the MSGP as a data point to inform the summative evaluation. 3 ONGL-12/15/14
Median Student Growth Percentile MSGP only displayed in CIITS for primary teachers with active sections in the current school year. Principal can see all teachers on Infinite Campus summary report. 4 ONGL-12/15/14
Median Student Growth Percentile - Calculation Calculated based on prior year data – lags one year. New teachers in will not have scores. MSGP is calculated using SGP scores of attributed students. Single year calculation for , Combined score only if teacher received single year score each year. 5 ONGL-12/15/14
Median Student Growth Percentile - Calculation Based on data in Infinite Campus. Grades 4-8 only. Student must have a growth score to be included (two consecutive years of K-PREP scores). Teacher-student link in specific Reading and Math courses* (as defined by state course code). *Eligible course list available in the MSGP training document: Teacher_Student_Growth_Median.pdf 6 ONGL-12/15/14
Median Student Growth Percentile - Calculation 7 Teacher must have minimum of 10 eligible students with a growth score. Student and teacher must be together 100 instructional days. Teacher must have minimum of 10 students meeting criteria. Available for all teachers assigned to eligible course/section in Infinite Campus – includes contributing professionals and staff. ONGL-12/15/14
Mrs. Smith—Grade 5 Classroom SGP for Each Student Based on 2014 Grade 5 Mathematics Test 70 SGP SGP Mrs. Smith’s Median Math SGP=46 ONGL-12/15/14
Mrs. Smith—Grade 5 Classroom SGP for Each Student Based on 2014 Grade 5 Reading Test 70 SGP SGP Mrs. Smith’s Median Reading SGP=52 ONGL-12/15/14
Student Growth Percentile Ratings Growth RatingMedian SGP% of Population LowLess than % ExpectedBetween 30 and % HighAbove % 10 ONGL-12/15/14
Distribution of Teachers’ SGPs % of all Teachers 18.1% of all Teachers 15.3% of all Teachers ExpectedLowHigh ONGL-12/15/14
Median Student Growth Rating Using the distribution of statewide median student growth percentiles, cutoffs were created to indicate three levels: ◦ Low – below 30 ◦ Expected – 30 to 65 ◦ High – above ONGL-12/15/14
Rationale for Ratings The mean Teacher Median SGP score was 47. Expected Student Growth should constitute approximately 2/3 of teachers. Cut scores for Low, Expected and High were determined using the distribution of median SGPs for teachers. 13 ONGL-12/15/14
What was Mrs. Smith’s Reading Rating? Mrs. Smith had a median SGP of 52. She has a state contribution student growth rating of Expected. Teacher will receive annual scores plus a combined 3 year score based on attributable SGP scores. 14 ONGL-12/15/14
Analysis of MSGP Two reports are available in Infinite Campus ◦ Teacher Median SGP – Summary (pdf) For use by administrators to see all 3-year combined scores for the teachers in their building ◦ Teacher Median SGP – Detail (csv) Used for validation of yearly student-level detail included in calculation of 3-year combined score Can be run at teacher, school or district level Note: Tool rights must be assigned in Campus before use. 15 ONGL-12/15/14
MSGP – system considerations Students/Teacher links are determined by Infinite Campus course/section roster through school years– 1) Validate data yearly through Infinite Campus reports 2) determine if Infinite Campus setup needs to change going forward. No ability to change prior data in Infinite Campus so there is no expectation to request correction. 16 ONGL-12/15/14
MSGP – recalculation of teacher score(s) Data may need to be manually recalculated if adjustments are needed to students assigned to teachers in course/section. Export Infinite Campus detail report into Excel and then revise student attribution to teachers if recalculation is needed. Use median function in Excel to recalculate. Principal enters High, Expected, or Low rating of the state student growth contribution in the Summative Evaluation Tool in EDS. It does not prepopulate. Principals use professional judgment to determine whether calculated or recalculated rating should be used. 17 ONGL-12/15/14
MSGP – troubleshooting scores If teacher does not have Median SGP but expects to -- confirm for each applicable year: ◦ (1) teacher taught grades 4-8, reading/math ◦ (2) state course codes for sections taught are on list of course codes used in calculation. ◦ (3) teacher has a minimum of 10 students and 100 days with these students. Why does teacher not have combined 3 year score? Only calculated if 3 years of annual scores. 18 ONGL-12/15/14
MSGP – troubleshooting scores If a teacher wants student-level details on how the score was calculated. ◦ Detail report in Infinite Campus can be run. What if there are students attributable to teacher that shouldn’t be? ◦ Make adjustments to detail report from Infinite Campus in excel. ◦ Recalculate using the Excel Median function tool. ◦ Principal can enter adjusted rating in EDS. 19 ONGL-12/15/14
Data in prior school years It is recommended that districts do NOT change data in Infinite Campus for prior school years. Changing data in Infinite Campus for prior school years may lead to data inconsistencies with data that has already been reported. 20 ONGL-12/15/14
Other questions: TPGES Median Student Growth Percentiles webpage: ◦ TPGES-Student-Growth-Percentile-Medians.aspx TPGES-Student-Growth-Percentile-Medians.aspx Infinite Campus report details ◦ s/Training-Teacher_Student_Growth_Median.pdf s/Training-Teacher_Student_Growth_Median.pdf 21 ONGL-12/15/14