Principal Professional Growth & Effectiveness System Certified Evaluation Orientation Principal Professional Growth & Effectiveness System LaRue County Schools July 28, 2014 Complete Plan posted on District Website
PPGES is for Principals & Assistant Principals Assistant Principals will inherit some parts of PPGES from Principals. Orientation Orientation by the end of the first 30 calendar days of employment Staff must sign and date certifying completion of Orientation.
Multiple Measures Principals Self-Reflection Professional Growth Plan Working Conditions Goal (2 yr) Student Growth Goal State Contribution Local Contribution Site Visit (2) 360 Survey (Val Ed) Other Products of Practice Letters & Memos Assistant Principals Self-Reflection Professional Growth Plan Working Conditions Goal (2 yr)—inherited Student Growth Goal State Contribution--inherited Local Contribution--inherited No Site Visit No 360 Survey Other Products of Practice Letters & Memos
Self-Reflection & Professional Growth Plans—pg. 41 Self-Reflection Developed and approved by September 30 Completed in CIITS Professional Growth Plan Developed and approved by September 30 Reviewed by summative conference Must align with school or district improvement plans (CSIP or CDIP) Completed in CIITS
Working Conditions Goal—pg. 42 Principals are responsible for setting a two-year Working Conditions Growth Goal based on the most recent TELL Kentucky Survey (administered in the spring of odd years) Developed & approved collaboratively with Supt/designee by September 30 Entered in CIITS By April 1 of off years, principal will give a supplemental survey to staff to gather data on progress towards the goal (electronic or paper-pencil) WORKING CONDITIONS GOAL RUBRIC ExemplaryAt least 10% more than the goal AccomplishedWithin ± 10% of the goal DevelopingFrom the baseline set for the goal to -10% of the goal IneffectiveBelow the baseline
Student Growth Goal—pg State Contribution Based on ASSIST- required goals for CSIP Trajectory in SRC May narrow focus Goal for next September Lags 1 Year Developed & approved with Supt/designee By Sept 30 (or 2 wks after embargo SRC release) Includes action plan and criteria for success rating Local Contribution Based on school need May or may not be related to State Contribution Goal Goal for current school year in time for May 1 summative Developed & approved with Supt/designee by Sept 30 (or 2 wks after embargo SRC release) Includes action plan One of the two must be tied to Gap. Both inherited by Asst. Principals. STUDENT GROWTH GOAL RATING HighMore than 10% above Goal Expected+ or – 10% Low More than 10% below goal (Any score below baseline)
Site Visits—pg. 41 & 360 Survey—pg. 42 Site Visits 1 per semester Post-Conference within 5 working days, but may be electronic Review principal performance standards 360 Survey Val Ed Administered once in non- TELL year (min.) KDE will set approved windows for administration Completed by teachers, principal, and supervisor(s) Assistant Principals will not participate in Site Visits or 360 Survey.
Other Products of Practice—pg. 43 Program Review evidence team-developed curriculum units lesson plans communication logs timely, targeted feedback from mini or informal observations student data records student work student formative and/or summative course evaluations/feedback minutes from PLCs teacher reflections and/or self-reflections teacher interviews teacher committee or team contributions parent engagement activities/surveys records of student and/or teacher attendance video lessons engagement in professional organizations action research To be made available to the Supt/designee in a timely manner upon request.
Letters & Memos—pg. 44 In addition to district-adopted evaluation forms, letters and memos may be used to document both outstanding performance and performance which needs improvement. Correspondence dated and signed by both parties with a copy provided to Evaluatee Conference highly recommended, but not required
Mid-Year Review A mid-year review will be completed to provide feedback on progress Adjustments to action plans may be made as a result of the mid-year review
Summative Evaluation Deadline: May 1 All formative sources of data will be completed prior to the summative conference Summative evaluation will be completed in CIITS, then printed/signed/filed in the personnel file housed at central office
Professional Practice Rating— pg. 46
Professional Practice Decision Rules—pg. 47
Student Growth Goal Rating— pg. 48 (Local Only for 14-15) Both the state and local goal will be given a numerical weighting. LOW = 1 ; EXPECTED = 2 ; HIGH = 3 Combined goal rating will be a simple average of the two goals. 3 Year Trend will be used for overall rating when available by averaging and using the rating scale to the right. RATINGAVERAGE SCORE Low Expected High
Overall Performance Category—pg. 48
Corrective Action Plan—pg. 49 A Corrective Action Plan shall be developed to assist a certified staff member who has failed to meet a district standard OR when an immediate change is required in practice or behavior. Steps in Corrective Action Administrator initiates the Corrective Action Plan process Administrator and teacher collaborate to develop the CAP Administrator and teacher develop timeline Administrator and teacher develop appraisal method for CAP Administrator evaluates improvement of performance at target date Entered in CIITS PGP section and clearly noted in the text that it’s a CAP
Appeal Procedure for Summative Evaluation—pg , Evaluatee must submit Appeal Form (pg. 58) to the chairperson of the Appeal Panel within 5 working days of receipt of the evaluation. 2. The Appeal Panel will meet to consider evidence and make a recommendation decision. Upholding all parts of the original evaluation. Voiding the original evaluation or parts of it. Ordering a new evaluation by a second certified employee who shall be a trained evaluator.
Appeal Procedure for Summative Evaluation—pg , 58 (Cont.) 3. The Appeal Panel will make a recommendation to the Superintendent within 15 working days from the date of the filing of the Appeal. 4. All parties will be notified of the recommendation with a letter citing evidence to support the decision.
Other Evaluation Notes Supports for each multiple measure are available on the KDE-PGES website The Educator Development Suite (EDS) is where PGES materials will be entered in CIITS Support for PGES implementation in CIITS is available in CIITS including quick-reference cards and archived webcasts for tasks Observation windows, timelines and other requirements may be adjusted by the supervisor in special circumstances where the evaluatee has been absent due to extenuating circumstances or is a late hire. Must be approved by Supt/designee and evaluatee notified within 5 working days of return to work. (Pg 10)