Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers Virginia Department of Education Approved April 2011
Code of Virginia requires: 1.That teacher evaluations be consistent with the performance objectives (standards) included in the Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards (by 7/1/12) 2.That school boards shall develop procedures in evaluating instructional personnel that address student academic progress (how this requirement is met is the responsibility of the local school board) (by 7/1/12) 3.Continuing contract teachers shall be evaluated not less than once every three years (those not on continuing contract or those receiving an unsatisfactory rating shall be evaluated each year) 1.That teacher evaluations be consistent with the performance objectives (standards) included in the Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards (by 7/1/12) 2.That school boards shall develop procedures in evaluating instructional personnel that address student academic progress (how this requirement is met is the responsibility of the local school board) (by 7/1/12) 3.Continuing contract teachers shall be evaluated not less than once every three years (those not on continuing contract or those receiving an unsatisfactory rating shall be evaluated each year)
Performance Standards: 1.Professional Knowledge 2.Instructional Planning 3.Instructional Delivery 4.Assessment of and for Student Learning 5.Learning Environment 6.Professionalism 7.Student Academic Progress (the work of the teacher results in acceptable, measurable, and appropriate student academic progress) 1.Professional Knowledge 2.Instructional Planning 3.Instructional Delivery 4.Assessment of and for Student Learning 5.Learning Environment 6.Professionalism 7.Student Academic Progress (the work of the teacher results in acceptable, measurable, and appropriate student academic progress)
The Board recommends (but does not require): That each teacher receive a summative evaluation rating That the rating be determined by weighting the first 6 standards equally at 10%, and the 7th standard (student academic progress), account for 40% of the summative evaluation That each teacher receive a summative evaluation rating That the rating be determined by weighting the first 6 standards equally at 10%, and the 7th standard (student academic progress), account for 40% of the summative evaluation
Key points for student learning Student learning should be determined by multiple measures of student academic progress. At least 20% of the teacher evaluation (half of the student academic progress measure) is comprised of student growth percentiles as provided by VDOE (NOTE: less than 30% of VA teachers will have this). Another 20% of the teacher evaluation should be measured using one or more alternative measures with evidence that the alternative measure is valid. Student learning should be determined by multiple measures of student academic progress. At least 20% of the teacher evaluation (half of the student academic progress measure) is comprised of student growth percentiles as provided by VDOE (NOTE: less than 30% of VA teachers will have this). Another 20% of the teacher evaluation should be measured using one or more alternative measures with evidence that the alternative measure is valid.
Henrico Response PQRs are our Performance Standards Our summative evaluation rating is meets or does not meet standards. We consider student academic progress in our system through the PGEP planning document. MAPs is used to determined student growth measures. PQRs are our Performance Standards Our summative evaluation rating is meets or does not meet standards. We consider student academic progress in our system through the PGEP planning document. MAPs is used to determined student growth measures.
Reporting to the State Annual Report providing: A description of the evaluation process Number of teachers by school at each rating level Number of principals at each rating level Annual Report providing: A description of the evaluation process Number of teachers by school at each rating level Number of principals at each rating level
Learning Leaders Grant Schools Four levels of Teacher Evaluation: Unsatisfactory, Basic, Proficient, Distinguished. Incentives based on ratings from classroom observations and student growth measures. Four levels of Teacher Evaluation: Unsatisfactory, Basic, Proficient, Distinguished. Incentives based on ratings from classroom observations and student growth measures.
Learn More about Learning Leaders
Henrico PGEP Classroom Observations 1.Pre-conferences are required prior to each observation. 2.All observations must be scheduled ahead of time. 3.All observations must be 30 to 45 minutes long. 1.Pre-conferences are required prior to each observation. 2.All observations must be scheduled ahead of time. 3.All observations must be 30 to 45 minutes long.