World History Summer Session 2014 World History Summer Session 2014 Unit 1 Historical Inquiry Unit 1 Historical Inquiry
What English word about time comes from the Greeks? Cronos+ logikos (Greek god of Time) (thinking based on reason) Cronos+ logikos (Greek god of Time) (thinking based on reason)
Lesson 1a: Labeling Dates Chronological - historians record people, places and events in chronological time, from earliest to most recent Go to Lesson 1b Chronological - historians record people, places and events in chronological time, from earliest to most recent Go to Lesson 1b
Lesson 1a notes con’t after Lesson 1b Birth of Jesus Christ, founder of Christianity = year 1 on our timelines BC – Before Christ, dates before the birth of Jesus Christ AD – Anno Domini (year of our lord), years after the birth of Jesus Christ Birth of Jesus Christ, founder of Christianity = year 1 on our timelines BC – Before Christ, dates before the birth of Jesus Christ AD – Anno Domini (year of our lord), years after the birth of Jesus Christ
Q: What can historians do when recording dates to recognize not every country counts their year from the birth of Christ? Answer: Create non-religious labels BCE - Before Common Era, means the same as BC CE – Common Era, means the same as AD Answer: Create non-religious labels BCE - Before Common Era, means the same as BC CE – Common Era, means the same as AD
Lesson 2a: Questions Historians Ask Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
Lesson 2c: Primary and Secondary Source notes Primary Source - original materials that provide first hand accounts or evidence of a person, place or event (diary, photograph, original document, buildings) Secondary Source - materials created after the fact (textbooks, magazines, encyclopedias) Practice Primary Source - original materials that provide first hand accounts or evidence of a person, place or event (diary, photograph, original document, buildings) Secondary Source - materials created after the fact (textbooks, magazines, encyclopedias) Practice
Lesson 3a: Historical Inquiry notes Recall: History is what we choose to remember about the past. Interpret: History involves explaining people and events. Apply: Use what we know about the past to understand the present. Analyze: History involves figuring out complicated situations. Synthesize: History involves making sense out of jumble of facts. Evaluate: History involves making judgments about people and events. Recall: History is what we choose to remember about the past. Interpret: History involves explaining people and events. Apply: Use what we know about the past to understand the present. Analyze: History involves figuring out complicated situations. Synthesize: History involves making sense out of jumble of facts. Evaluate: History involves making judgments about people and events.
Lesson 3b: The Underground Railroad: The William Still Story
Lesson 13b: Resistance Brainstorm…..What are ways the enslaved could resist? Speak their native language Run Away Fight back - rebellions Damage tools or machinery Not work very hard Brainstorm…..What are ways the enslaved could resist? Speak their native language Run Away Fight back - rebellions Damage tools or machinery Not work very hard