What is CLIL? It’s an evolving educational approach to teaching and learning where subjects are taught through the medium of a non-native language It’s a different learning experience where CONTENT and LANGUAGE are integrated
CLIL aims to Introduce learners to new concepts, through studying the curriculum in a non-native language Improve learners’ performance in both curricular subjects and the target language Increase learners’ confidence and proficiency within a more cognitively active learning process Encourage stronger links with values of community and citizenship
CONTENTCOMMUNICATION COGNITION reasoning, creative thinking, evaluation CULTURE positive attitudes, responsibilities of global and local citizenship
Language areas CLIL students find difficult: Content vocabulary Word order Grammar (tenses, modal verbs, passive forms, prepositions) Using formal English
Plan opportunities Use brainstorming approaches (to start or finish a topic of study), open questions, feedbacks, role plays, debates, task discussions Revisit content language Share ideas Give reflection time (How did we do? How can we improve?) Be aware of progression (from closed talk to exploratory and extended talk)
Increase student talking time Encourage communication skills Develop communicative competence (oracy) and meaningful communication
CLIL teacher aims to: Integrate content and language Specifies the planned content outcomes for each lesson Uses authentic texts and materials to teach content and language Focuses corrective responses on pre- determined content and language Create a rich learning environment Surrounds learners with rich subject content and extensive oral/written language input Creates numerous opportunities for students to speak and write Organizes classroom so it promotes learning Make input comprehensible Uses body language, visuals, realia and manipulatives to communicate meaning Elicits and draws upon prior knowledge and experiences (scaffolding) Uses a variety of pre-reading and pre-writing activities to make content and language more accessible
CLIL assessment can focus on Areas of subject CONTENT (e.g. answers to Maths questions) Areas of LANGUAGE (e.g. use of conditional sentences in hypotheses) Areas of CONTENT AND LANGUAGE (e.g. description of a process: technical vocabulary, sequencing, present tense verbs) COMMUNICATIVE SKILLS PRACTICAL SKILLS (e.g. carrying out investigations, doing experiments, measuring, drawing) COGNITIVE SKILLS LEARNING TO LEARN
COMMUNICATION SKILLS Can… Name Date Date Date Ask/Respond to questions about subject content - open - closed Introduce new ideas about the subject Clarify own points Express support for others’ ideas Identify points of similarity and difference Personalise subject content using relevant information Give an oral presentation
COGNITIVE SKILLS Can… Name Date Date Date Match labels to pictures/objects Compare two objects/people/places/ideas Sequence actions chronologically Make decisions and give reasons Make deductions and predict conclusions Think creatively in subject area Evaluate peers and own work using given criteria
ATTITUDES TO LEARNING Can… Name Date Date Date Concentrate Work systematically Ask for help when necessary Cooperate with others Work independently
resources Do Coyle/Philip Hood/David Marsh, CLIL, C.U.P. Kay Bentley THE TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) COURSE – CLIL MODULE, C.U.P., in collaboration with University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Peeter Mehisto/David Marsh/Maria Jesus Frigols, UNCOVERING CLIL, Macmillan