Introduction Task Essential Question Process Evaluation for… Power Point Poster News Report Conclusion Teacher Page Resources
Introduction Ever wonder how our country came to be? Who came first and why? For this activity, you and your group will become crew members on one of the explorer’s ships. Then, you and your group will have the chance to share with the class the experience you had on your explorer’s ship! You will also learn about seven other important people from Europe who explored the Americas when your classmates share their explorer!
Task 1. You and your group are crew members aboard the ship of the assigned explorer. 2. Throughout your “journey” (research), you will gather information to share about the experiences you had while exploring. 3. Next, take your research and apply what you learned to fill out the matrix for your explorer. (Matrix will be given to you by your teacher.) 4. Your notes will then be presented in either a Power Point, poster, OR news report. 5. You will now share your presentation (Power Point, poster, or news report) to the class. 6. Listen carefully to your classmates and fill out your matrix for each explorer. 7. Finally, you will answer the essential question for the chapter.
Essential Question What were the costs and benefits of exploration of the New World?
1.Process here’s how: First, each group member needs a role. For this part of the assignment, you will need: One computer pro (navigates through pages) One reader (reads information to group) One/two writers/typists ( record information for group ) Click on the link to find your note sheet. You may type your notes in Word as you go, or print it and hand write your notes as you explore. Click here!
2.Process here’s how continued: Find the picture of your explorer and click on it to learn about him. Use the notes sheet as a guide. You will need that information for your end product that you will present! Christopher Columbus Henry Hudson Juan Ponce de LeónHernán Cortés Jacques Cartier Francisco Vásquez de Coronado John Cabot Robert de La Salle
3.Process here’s how continued: Now, have your notes checked by your teacher. If your notes are accurate, you will receive a matrix to fill out for your explorer (leave the other explorers blank for now). Have your matrix checked also.
4.Process here’s how continued: Now that you have your notes completed, you are ready to create your end product to show what you learned! Remember, have choices! You may create a: Power Point slide show Poster News report **No matter which you choose to create, you will need to address ALL the points on your note sheet.** See this link to read the rubric of how you will be graded. Power Point rubric click here Poster rubric click here News report rubric click here
Evaluation This is how your Power Point will be graded: Category4321 Basic Information (name, background, sponsor, dates) Included all 4 items accurately Included 3 items accurately Included 2 items accurately Included 1 item accurately. Content -Motivation(s) -remember me by… -Impact of exploration (positives and negatives) Thoroughly explained all 3 necessary components accurately. Included 3 necessary components accurately. Included 2 necessary components accurately. Included 1 of the necessary components accurately. Matrix Matrix is 100% accurateMatrix is accurate in 5/6 categories. Matrix is accurate in 4/6 categories. Matrix is accurate in less than 4 categories. Argument on Impact Included exemplary argument with ideas relevant to the research Included adequate argument with ideas relevant to the research Included partial argument with some ideas relevant to the research Included incomplete argument with little or no ideas relevant to the research Appearance At least one picture per slide and is exceptionally organized Missing one or two pictures and/or adequately organized Missing one or two pictures and/or organization needs improvement Missing more than two pictures and/or unorganized information is distracting Essential Question -Restate the question -Complete sentences -No spelling errors -No grammatical errors Accurate answer and includes all components. Accurate answer and includes 3 components. Accurate answer and includes 2 components. Accurate answer and includes 1 component OR inaccurate answer. Click here to return to Process #4
Evaluation This is how your poster will be graded: Category4321 Basic Information (name, background, sponsor, dates) Included all 4 items accurately. Included 3 items accurately. Included 2 items accurately. Included 1 item accurately. Content -Motivation(s) -remember me by… -Impact of exploration (positives and negatives) Thoroughly explained all 3 necessary components accurately. Included 3 necessary components accurately. Included 2 necessary components accurately. Included 1 of the necessary components accurately. Matrix Matrix is 100% accurate.Matrix is accurate in 5/6 categories. Matrix is accurate in 4/6 categories. Matrix is accurate in less than 4 categories. Argument on Impact Included exemplary argument with ideas relevant to the research. Included adequate argument with ideas relevant to the research. Included partial argument with some ideas relevant to the research. Included incomplete argument with little or no ideas relevant to the research. Appearance No pencil, at least 5 pictures and is exceptionally organized No pencil, missing one or two pictures and/or adequately organized Colored but with pencil too, missing one or two pictures and/or organization needs improvement All pencil, missing more than two pictures and/or unorganized information is distracting Essential Question -Restate the question -Complete sentences -No spelling errors -No grammatical errors Accurate answer and includes all components. Accurate answer and includes 3 components. Accurate answer and includes 2 components. Accurate answer and includes 1 component OR inaccurate answer. Click here to return to Process #4
Evaluation This is how your news report will be graded: Category4321 Basic Information (name, background, sponser, dates) Included all 4 items accurately Included 3 items accurately Included 2 items accurately Included 1 item accurately. Content -Motivation(s) -remember me by… -Impact of exploration (positives and negatives) Thoroughly explained all 3 necessary components accurately. Included 3 necessary components accurately. Included 2 necessary components accurately. Included 1 of the necessary components accurately. Matrix Matrix is 100% accurate.Matrix is accurate in 5/6 categories. Matrix is accurate in 4/6 categories. Matrix is accurate in less than 4 categories. Argument on Impact Included exemplary argument with all ideas relevant to the research. Included adequate argument with all but 1 idea relevant to the research. Included partial argument with all but 2 ideas relevant to the research. Included incomplete argument with 3 or more or no ideas relevant to the research. Group Participation All members of group are involved in news report for class. One group member is less involved than the others. Two group members are less involved than the others. One person takes control of the news report. Essential Question -Restate the question -Complete sentences -No spelling errors -No grammatical errors Accurate answer and includes all components. Accurate answer and includes 3 components. Accurate answer and includes 2 components. Accurate answer and includes 1 component OR inaccurate answer. Click here to return to Process #4
Conclusion Now you are prepared to share your information with your classmates. You have one more assignment. You must take careful notes as your classmates inform you about the other 7 explorers from the chapter. Then you should be ready to analyze the matrix and answer the essential question in an essay. Essential Question: What were the costs and benefits of exploration of the New World?
Teacher Page Essential Question: What were the costs and benefits of exploration of the New World? Standards Addressed: A. Identify and explain the political and cultural contributions of individuals and groups to US history from beginnings to C. Explain how continuity and change has influenced US history from beginnings to D. Identify and explain conflict and cooperation among social groups and organizations in US history from beginnings to A. Identify and explain how individuals and groups made significant political and cultural contributions to world history C. Identify and explain how continuity and change has affected belief systems, commerce and industry, innovations, settlement patterns, social organizations, transportation ans women’s roles in world history. To bring all the information together and answer the EQ, have the students analyze the matrixes which were completed during the student presentations. Hold a class discussion and/or have them write an essay to answer the EQ. You may also want to create a map showing the areas each explorer claimed to show the European cultures that were brought to the Americas and how that relates to those areas today.
Resources for Christopher Columbus Use this for your notes numbers 1-6. Click here for a read aloud: For the rest of your notes, use your book pages Click here for a read aloud: For extra information and discovery…use these links and resources Library resources (non-fiction books, encyclopedias) Back to Process #2
Resources for Henry Hudson Use this website OR book page 55 to complete your notesheet: Click here for a read aloud: Click here for a read aloud from page 55 in your book: For extra information and discovery…use these links and resources Library resources (non-fiction books, encyclopedias) Back to Process #2
Resources for Juan Ponce de León Page 51 in your book Library resources (non-fiction book, encyclopedias) Back to Process #2
Resources for Francisco Vásquez de Coronado coronado.htm Page 54 in your book Library resources (non-fiction book, encyclopedias) Back to Process #2
Resources for Jacques Cartier Page 53 in your book Library resources (non-fiction book, encyclopedias) Back to Process #2
Resources for Hernán Cortés Page 52 in your book Library resources (non-fiction book, encyclopedias) Back to Process #2
Resources for John Cabot Use this link or your book to complete the note page. Click here for a read aloud: Page 50 in your book Click here for a read aloud: For extra information and discovery…use these links and resources Library resources (non-fiction book, encyclopedias) Back to Process #2
Resources for Robert de La Salle _Vol_1/whoisrob_ji.html Page 56 in your book Library resources (non-fiction book, encyclopedias) Back to Process #2
Resources hoisrob_ji.html hoisrob_ji.html