Oral Presentation & Communication Skills By Dr. Hoda Zaki Prof. Hospital Administration Chair Department of Health Administration &Behavioral Sciences High Institute of Public Health University of Alexandria 1 Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration
Why??? presentation skills will benefit you later on as they are an essential part of working life. Making Oral Presentations Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 2
Communication Skills Skills of listening Skills of explaining Skills of questioning Skills of responding Skills of the management of discussion Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 3
Why Powerful Presentation? People have short attention & retention span People are overwhelmed by information Presenting is not the same as public speaking Every presentation must be memorable and activating Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 4
How Powerful Presentation? Enthusiastic Organized Audience focused Flexible Sense of humor Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 5
Cont., How Powerful Presentation? Use appropriate body language, voice and vocabulary Your voice - how you say it is as important as what you say Body language - your body movements express what your attitudes and thoughts really are. Appearance - first impressions influence the audience's attitudes to you. Dress appropriately for the occasion Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 6
Getting Ready Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 7
Getting Ready 1.Type & duration of talk 2.Know your audience 3.Prepare the structure of the presentation 4.Practice Makes Perfect A.Create an opener B.Develop transitions C.Structure the main body D.Prepare the close Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 8
The type & duration of talk determine The type of talk : a seminar discussion, or a more formal presentation Why???? different talks have different purposes. Duration of talk: Short talk differs from long talk. How??? Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 9
Know your audience Who are they? general audience or specialists how many audience? What are their needs What are their likes and dislikes What is their attitude about hearing me What types of information are likely to gain their attention Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 10
Prepare the structure of the presentation 1.Prepare the structure of the presentation carefully and logically. 2.set your aims and objectives of presentation. “why am I giving this presentation” 3.the main points you want to talk : Write out the first draft of presentation. Review the draft. Delete the irrelevant or superfluous Check the story is consistent and flows smoothly. Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 11
Practice Makes Perfect Rehearse your presentation - to yourself at first and then in front of some colleagues. Try not to read from a script as it is difficult to locate the thing you want to say amongst all the other text. You can prepare cue cards with key words and phrases on them. Mark on your cards the visual aids that go with them. Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 12
Practice Makes Perfect Practice is the single most important factor contributing to a good presentation! It is Not What to Say But How to Say it Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 13
Making the Presentation Before you begin presenting, greet the audience (for example, 'Good morning'), and then introduce yourself. START: 1.introduction - what you are going to talk about For example: - 'I'm going to talk about....' - 'This morning I want to explain....' - 'The points I will focus on are first of all..... then this will lead to..... and finally...' 2.Display the outline of your talk in key points on slide. Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 14
Cont., Making the Presentation Create an opener Develop transitions Structure the main body Prepare the close Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 15
Create an opener Capture attention Introduce the subject of your presentation Show your credibility State your objectives Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 16
Types of openers Quotations Questions Declarative statements Real world situations Current events Scenarios Anecdotes Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 17
Develop Transition Transition is a link that joins the end of one point to the beginning of another. Use “connective devices” to move from point to point Why ??? Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 18
Why Transition To help your audience follow your thread of ideas & gain their attention For examples - 'The next point I want to make is...' - 'From this we can see that....' - 'As a consequence...' - 'An example of this was when....' - 'On the other hand, it is also true that Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 19
Examples of transition Relevant statistics Humor statements Hand, body movement and voice modulation Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 20
During your talk ▣ Show enthusiasm! ▣ Keep eye contact with your audience. ▣ Point slowly and steadily to each element of the slide. ▣ Stop before your time is up. Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 21
DO Start with a smile but there's no need to smile all the time. “a thoughtful expression is better” Speak clearly. Be natural. pause at key points - this has the effect of emphasizing the importance of a particular point you are making. Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 22
DO To make the presentation interesting, change speed, pitch of voice. Use your hands to emphasize points. Look at the audience as much as possible, but don't fix on an individual - it can be intimidating. Stick to the time allowed. Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 23
DON’T Don’t Rush, or talk slowly. Don’t Turn your back to the audience. Don’t Face the display screen behind you and talk to it. Don’t Use detailed referencing of material or extensive review of data – it won't be remembered and may put the audience to sleep! Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 24
DON’T Don’t stand between the listener and Visual Aids ”V.A”. Don’t let the V.A. distract you Don’t let the V.A. distract the audience Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 25
Prepare the Close/End Conclude by briefly summing up everything that you covered and restate your findings. For example: 'To sum up...' From this we can see...' Thank the audience for their attention and ask if there are any comments or questions. Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 26
Overcome Fear & Stress Physical stress reduces by: Deep breathing Relaxation Isometric exercise Moving and gesturing Eye contact Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 27
Cont., Overcome Fear & Stress Physical stress reduce by: Arrive early Positive attitude Worst-case/ best case scenario Preparation Rehearsal Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 28
Prepare Power Point Slides Font Styles Lower case text – avoid text in upper case. (Unless it is a heading or a sub-heading). Use Arial, Tahoma or Sans Serif fonts – easier to read. Size for main text. For emphasis – use bold rather underline Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 29
Cont., Prepare Power Point Slides Colour Scheme A dark background – easier to look at. A colour gradient adds visual interest. Use light colour text – preferably white or yellow (avoid red). Maximum of three main colours. Avoid fussy backgrounds Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 30
Cont., Prepare Power Point Slides Others: Use bullet points, asterisks or numbers to highlight each point. 6 words / line 6 lines / slide Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 31
GOOD LUCK Prof.Dr.Hoda Zaki (MD PHD) Prof. Hospital Administration 32