Warm up: What are some words that you would use to describe a person who is fair or trustworthy?
Lesson 4: Honesty, Fairness and Openness
Bluff Part of Speech: Verb Definition: –A. To fool or deceive; mislead –B. To try to threaten with false threats Example: The students knew their teacher was bluffing when he threatened to give the entire class detention.
Fabricate Part of speech: verb Definition: –A. To invent in order to deceive –B. To make or manufacture Example: The lazy student fabricated a story about having a dog that ate his homework, but everyone knew he was allergic to dogs. Water is fabricated hydrogen and oxygen.
Frank Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Completely honest Example: It was clear that Jimmy was being frank when he told his girlfriend Christy that he loathed her new hairstyle.
Genuine Part of Speech: Adjective Definition –A. Real, not copied or fake –B. Sincere or honest Example: My Dad gave my Mom a genuine diamond ring for their anniversary. Linda accepted Eric’s apology because he seemed genuinely sorry for slamming her locker door.
Impartial Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Fair, not favoring one side over another Example: The guidance counselor remained impartial when listening to both sides of the conflict between the students.
Integrity Part of Speech: Noun Definition: –A. Strong moral character; the state of sticking to one’s morals –B. Wholeness; soundness Example: A person who tells lies does not have a lot of integrity.
Obvious Part of Speech- Adjective Definition- Easy to see; clear; apparent Example: It was obvious that Lauren was afraid of spiders when she recoiled at the picture of the tarantula.
Plagiarize Part of Speech: Verb Definition: To copy down words of another person and claim they are your own Example: You should not plagiarize by copying another person’s ideas or writing.
Reliable Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Dependable, able to be trusted Example: Weather predictions are not always reliable.
Suppress Part of Speech: Verb Definition: –A. To prevent something from being published or known –B. To end by force or effort Example: The dieter hoped to suppress her craving for ice cream.