Freemasonry In Kentucky


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Presentation transcript:

Freemasonry In Kentucky Maintained By: Committee on Masonic Education Sponsored By: Grand Lodge of Kentucky F & A.M.

Welcome to the 2013 Masonic Ed Program. Making the transition from Masonic Birth to Masonic Death, we explore the aspects and attributes from our Masonic beginnings and beyond, as a Craft and as Officers, culminating with a better understanding of a Masonic Funeral

Pledge of Allegiance

Masonic Education Committee James Gibson PM Chairman Woodstock #639 Rick Tyler PM Plain City #449 John Cissell PM Buechel #896 Cameron Poe PM Lexington # 1 Ricky Howard PM James W. Alley # 869

Christopher L. Stout Most Worshipful Grand Master Grand Lodge of Kentucky F&AM 2013

C. A. R. E. C- Communicate to each other, Candidates, New brothers and in our Lodge Meetings A- Assist Brothers, Lodges, Communities, and especially Widows R- Respect the signs of Freemasonry, the apron you wear, and each other E- Educate new brothers, yourselves on our Constitution, Rituals, and Lectures C- Character (Character building is essential to Masonry) A- Attitude ( Show a positive attitude toward and about the Fraternity) R- Responsibility ( We have a responsibility to our obligations, and our brothers) E- Excellence ( By striving for excellence, we create a legacy for Freemasonry in the future)

General Housekeeping Exits Bathrooms Food, Drink, Tobacco Breaks Talking Cell Phones

Sessions for Secretaries & Treasurers

Goals & Objectives Understand the duties of the Master, and Wardens Recognize and practice proper Masonic Etiquette Know the process from a petition , through participating on an Investigating Committee, and through the Balloting for membership Participate in quality ritual work, including mentoring through proficiencies

Goals & Objectives (continued) Understand our Constitutions and by-laws With the advance of technology, prepare for and understand how social media can help or hurt your Lodge Understand the proper rites, ceremonies, and protocols for conducting or attending a Masonic Funeral

Resources Book of Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky Free & Accepted Masons The Kentucky Monitor Henry Pirtle The Trestle Board H.B. Grant ThKyRtl The Kentucky Ritual Grand Lodge of Kentucky Public Relations Manual

James Gibson Rick Tyler THE MASTER’S RESPONSIBILITIES James Gibson Rick Tyler

DUTIES OF THE MASTER (Ky Constitution Section 89) The following is a list of the powers and duties of the Master of the Lodge as outlined by the: Book of Constitutions Powers of Lodge (Sect 75) By-Laws of Lodge

Master shall have power to: Issue, or cause to be issued, all summonses or notices which may be required; Discharge all the executive functions of his Lodge; and Perform all acts, by ancient usage proper to his office, which are not prohibited by the Constitution or Ordinances of Grand Lodge. Preside and have general supervision over his lodge and decide questions of law and order, but any member of the lodge may appeal from the decision of the Master to the Grand Master, and from his decision to the Grand Lodge. Sect 89 (1)

To see that the by-laws and resolutions of his lodge are observed, and that the constitution, rules, and edict of this Grand Lodge are duly obeyed. Sect 89 (2) To see that monthly activity reports are promptly made to this Grand Lodge. To attain such proficiency in the work as will enable him to conduct the ceremonies of his lodge in a creditable manner. To call communications of his lodge as provided in BOC Section 107. To attend: Grand Lodge, District Meeting and Educational Programs.


What We Should Know About The Master’s Authority Shoulders all of the responsibilities Rulings during meetings Decides what can and cannot be discussed Speaking after being ruled out of order can be considered a Masonic offense Accept request by Master to serve on a Committee

Sitting in the East Brethren do not take a seat without invitation from Master Offered the Crown and gavel Highest Ranking Grand Lodge Officer or Representative

Properly Clothed Do not enter the Lodge room without apron, not even as you are tying strings As a point of courtesy and respect, Brethren will be fully clothed and ready for labor

Stand when speaking No man sits while speaking in a lodge room, no matter if he is addressing an officer or another brother All lodge activity is based on each man in the Lodge being a servant of the Brethren. It is simply a form of respect

Side Talking or Whispering While degree work is being performed During regular business Shows irreverence and is considered bad manners Unless you have requested the Master to speak, silence is the rule The Lodge is a temple and we strive to make the best ashlars

Speak clear and concise. Give proper signs and due guards Address the brethren properly, “ Worshipful Master, Wardens, and Brethren” Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons of the Commonwealth of Kentucky Free & Accepted Masons Right Worshipful, Right Reverend Worshipful Brother Worshipful District Deputy Grand Master

Speaking To offer a motion, give a heads up to Master before meeting to ensure he can allot specific time for that topic Ask him before hand if he will be able to recognize you to speak

Obey the Gavel The Master can put or refuse to put any motion He can rule a brother out of order at any time He determines what will and will not be discussed When a brother is rapped down, he must obey at once. There is a fine line between bad manners and a Masonic offense

Correcting Verbal Errors No one but the Master should correct any errors during the course of ceremony or ritual Having several brothers trying to correct causes more confusion

Practical Jokes or Levity The great lessons of Masonry which are taught by our rituals should never be demeaned by levity or pranks The Lodge room is not a proper location for the telling of jokes, pranks, levity, horseplay, or off-colored or offensive stories

Turn cell phones off All cell phones should be turned off so as not to create a distraction or disrupt the Lodge proceedings No picture taking during a Tyled meeting.

BE PREPARED Annual plan Budget Goals (Educational – Building Plans) Newsletter Agenda (stated and called meetings) Study the Parliamentary Procedure (Roberts Rules of Order)

RITUAL To have knowledge of the work and lectures of the First, Second, and Third Degrees To be knowledgeable of the ritual for conducting stated meetings Balloting Receiving dignitaries Draping the charter

APPOINTMENTS There really is wisdom in the council of many Standing Committees Special Committees Coaches Mentors Ritualists

PRACTICE EVERYTHING Opening / Closing Degrees Funerals Balloting Introductions

Additional Keys to Success. Superintend the official acts of all officers of his lodge and to see that respective duties are properly discharged. To have knowledge of the work and lectures of the First, Second, and Third Degrees To be knowledgeable of the ritual for conducting stated meetings Order of Business Balloting Receiving dignitaries Draping the charter Conduct Masonic Funerals

ENJOY YOURSELF HAVE FUN Know your responsibilities Work on your weaknesses Exploit your strengths Don’t let the negatives get to you Situations People HAVE FUN


To serve as Master in the absence of the Master; To prepare the calendar for your year as Master; To see that the Master’s Orders are carried out in full. To prepare the Senior Warden's Trestle board articles, when required;

To prepare an estimated budget for your year as Master To consider brethren to be appointed to the line during your year as Master and to ask them if they will serve. To be knowledgeable of the work and lectures of the Third Degree and the ritual to qualify as Worshipful Master; To be qualified to give the work of the Senior Warden in the three degrees; To attend all degree practices designated by the Master.

HOW IS ANNUAL PLANNING DONE? Get a Calendar for your upcoming year. Write in those dates that you know are fixed: Personal Dates!!!! (Birthdays, Anniversary, Vacation…) Holidays Stated Meetings Installation District Meetings Annual Communication Backdate Everything! There are many small steps that must happen before any event can be a success. Don't forget the small things!

Budget Does your Lodge have one now? What are you sources of income? What will you have to spend money on?


To Serve as Master in the absence of the Master and Senior Warden. To assist the master in the discharge of his duties. To be knowledgeable of all work, lectures and ritual parts in the South in all three degrees. To make sure the Stewards know their duties. To prepare the Junior Warden's Trestle board articles, when required.

To make sure the Stewards are informed about degree work. To call the craft from labor to refreshment. To call the craft from refreshment back to labor. The Junior Warden is in charge of the craft while the lodge is at refreshment. To attend all degree practices designated by the master. And in practicing degrees we now explore…


The rite of circumambulation, derived from the Latin word “circumambulare” to walk around anything is the name given to that observance in all the religious ceremonies of antiquity which consisted in a procession around an altar or some sacred object.

It is historically connected with the reference to Reference – Kentucky Monitor pg - 345 It is historically connected with the reference to the apparent course of the sun about the earth. Since in the ellipse of the ecliptic there are no square corners, a Senior Deacon, who understands the symbolism and antiquity of this rite, will avoid cutting corners at any change of direction, no matter how desirable or pretty such a maneuver may appear in a military parade.

The practice of walking in a circular procession around a holy place, such as an altar or other holy and consecrated object.

EA Degree In this degree we escort the candidate about the lodge with the guide on his right until after he is obligated. Then the guide escorts him from the left.

In the EA degree circumbulation is performed once around the altar so that the brethren may see that the candidate is in proper form. Then again to the Senior Warden to teach him how to approach the east for his first step in Masonry.

Then again to the Senior Warden to teach him how to wear his apron as an EA Mason. Then again to salute the wardens as a EA Mason.

Then again around the altar to the northeast corner to be presented his working tools of an EA. Then finally again to the west of the altar to salute and be dismissed for the first section of the EA degree. In this degree circumambulation is performed approximately six times.

Displaying the three Great Lights In our Th Ky Rtl Ritual it says that the Senior Deacon must keep the altar on his right at all times. In order to do this, he would have to pass between the Master and the altar.

Years ago, the Holy Bible was on the secretaries desk on top of a black velvet pillow. The Senior Deacon would have the two Stewards form an arch above him with their staffs and escort him to get the Holy Bible and display it on the altar.

Then when they closed the lodge the Stewards would escort the Senior Deacon between the Master and the Altar in the course of the sun to close the three great lights of Masonry. This was at the Order of the Master.

Installation Circumambulation Closed During the Master Elects installation the craft will form a procession and proceed around the altar three times after the master is installed and before the installation is proclaimed. Reference - Kentucky Monitor pg - 259

The first circumambulation brothers make they will give the sign of a Entered Apprentice. The second circumambulation brothers make they will give the sign of a Fellow Craft. The Third circumambulation brothers make they will give the sign of a Master Mason.

We perform Circumambulation in all our degree work, lodge dedications, officer installations and laying of cornerstones. We as Kentucky Freemasons, when Performing Ritual work are never to make right angles or square corners in military style.

PETITIONS John Cissell Cameron Poe

Constitution Sections 121-126 Must be signed by Petitioner Have all pertinent information Must be recommended by 2 Master Masons who are members of the Lodge petitioned Must be received at a stated meeting 1 lunar month between petition reception and balloting Balloting to receive the degrees or affiliation shall be done on the Master Masons Degree and only at a stated communication.

Petitioner may withdraw his petition at any time prior to report of investigating committee ( In writing) Balloting for the degrees or affiliation shall be taken on in a Master Mason’s Lodge and only at a stated communication

Demit The rejection of an applicant for affiliation does not affect his Masonic standing. His certificate of demit shall be restored to him if rejected

Soliciting Petitions Trial Code 2 (k) (15) Soliciting Petitions for initiation into Masonry is a violation of Masonic law, is contrary to the accepted teaching of the fraternity, and un-masonic

Petition Information Full Name Residence Occupation Business Address Date of Birth Criminal Background Marital status Previous petitions Proper fees References Recommendation from 2 Lodge members Belief in God Dependents

COMMITTEES Cameron Poe John Cissell

Important!! Masonry is concerned with the total individual. In recommending the petitioner, direct your attention to those qualities which will promote the welfare of Freemasonry in peace and harmony.

Digest 30 The Committee on Investigation should inquire into EVERYTHING affecting the qualifications of a candidate: whether he is possession of his physical and intellectual faculties, possess a good reputation in his community, and whether the lodge has jurisdiction over him

Instructions to Committee Does he belong to other civic groups, fraternities Does he attend regularly Criminal history Sound of mind, health, and limb Marital Status Marital history Can he attend lodge regularly Does wife object to him being a Mason

How to Perform Examinations On Visiting Brethren

Brethren who attempt to attend a tyled Masonic meeting and do not have another known brother to vouch for them should be examined to determine if they are a Mason in good standing. This strict trial and due examination is required by Masonic Law.

A printed form of visitor's cards should be kept in the Tyler's room to be used the first time each visitor attends lodge. This form is on page 319 of the Kentucky Monitor.

The Master should appoint a committee of at least three brothers to examine the visitor. They should first ask to see a valid dues card and compare the signature on the dues card to that on the visitor’s card noted in #2 above.

The committee and visitor(s) should then retire to a convenient room where the visitor(s) should give Tyler's Oath. (page #320, Kentucky Monitor). The committee members should also give the Tyler's Oath in the appropriate fashion. After this point each visitor shall be examined separately.

If the Tyler's Oath is satisfactorily given the committee may proceed to ask the visitor(s) any questions on the catechism it deems necessary to determine if they are Masons in good standing

If the meeting has already begun and the committee finds the visitor(s) has proven himself to be a Mason in good standing then they shall report so to the Tyler. The Tyler will inform the visitor(s) of the degree the lodge is open on and announce that the committee and visiting brother wish to enter. The Senior Deacon will introduce the visiting brother west of the altar at the direction of the Master. (see page 321 Kentucky Monitor).

    If the committee determines the visitor has not proven himself as a regularly made Mason in good standing then they should inform him in a courteous manner without giving any reasons for their conclusion. Reference: Kentucky Monitor  See pages 322-323 in the Kentucky Monitor for definitions of Strict Trial, Due Examination and Lawful Information. 

Balloting Rick Tyler Cameron Poe

Constitution Section 25, 26, 128-134 Digest 14-15, Trial Code In ALL cases every ballot shall be strictly secret, whether favorable or unfavorable ballot was cast… No member shall act for another in casting a ballot. Every member shall vote unless excused; the power to excuse rests within the lodge by majority

Ballot Secret No vote shall be taken nor any means be used to ascertain, directly or indirectly, the sense of the lodge in reference to any petition, as to whether it will be probably rejected or otherwise. The ballot must be unanimous to elect a candidate to receive the degrees or for affiliation .

Balloting Preparing the Ballot Conducting the Ballot Who is excused Spoiling the Ballot Discussion Accountability Secrecy Recent Constitutional changes concerning balloting for re-instatement from suspension

Balloting Affiliation- Unanimous Re-affiliation- three- fourths Waiver of jurisdiction- 3 negative votes-veto Honorary Member- Unanimous after 30 days Adopting By-Laws- two-thirds Removing Officers from Office- two- thirds ( Master or Secretary by letter to Grand Lodge) Suspending- three- fourths majority (Sec. 178) Re-instatement- Unanimous

RITUALS & CEREMONIES James Gibson Rick Howard

ThKyRtl Kentucky Monitor Kentucky Ritual Trestle Board Digest Section 18 ThKyRtl Kentucky Monitor Kentucky Ritual Trestle Board

Focus The premise is to provide quality, effective Rituals that will impact the candidate in a profound way, thus enriching him with the traditions and legacies that have at all times characterized Freemasonry.

Personality vs. Car Wreck Rituals are for the Candidate, not to entertain the Craft Proper and complete obligations Power to heal The candidate does not benefit from joking and levity Remember, the candidates are entitled to the same quality ritual work and consideration our forefathers experienced. If all they remember are the laughing, they won’t take our fraternity serious and may not come back.

Opening on different degrees EA Seven or more Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon, Secretary, & Treasurer FC Five or more Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon

PROFICIENCIES Cameron Poe Rick Tyler

Constitution Sections 135- 137 Proficiency Exams- Make sure the proctor is prepared and knows what to ask!! EA- All parts through explanation of working tools FC, MM- Through Investment Has to be performed in open lodge!! Motions When appropriate When out of order


For an official visit from the Grand Master, his proxy or other Masonic dignitaries. The Marshal / Senior Deacon will be in charge of arranging the reception of guests. The procedure for the reception of distinguished guests is:

The Marshal / Senior Deacon will make an alarm at the door. As they enter the Master will call up the lodge. The Marshal / Senior Deacon will be on the left side of the altar. The Marshal / Senior Deacon will recognize each distinguished guest. Starting with the guest to his far right.  

The order of reception for distinguished guests is: Masonic Homes Management Heads of affiliated bodies. (Scottish Rite, York Rite, and other bodies.) Past District Deputy Grand Masters of your district- one Representative for all- usually the most senior. Current Committee Members of the Grand Lodge. (Worshipful) (Public Grand Honors)

Appointed Grand Lodge Officers. (Worshipful) Current District Deputy Grand Masters from other Districts. (Worshipful) (Public Grand Honors) Appointed Grand Lodge Officers. (Worshipful) Past Grand Masters. (Most Worshipful) Elected Grand Lodge Officers. (Right Worshipful)* The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky. (Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons of the Commonwealth of Kentucky Free & Accepted Masons)

Prior to the entrance of the Most Worshipful Grand Master: Upon the lead of the Master the Public Grand Honors will be extended to all. All district deputies, appointed officers, past grand master’s and elected officers should be recognized at all meetings.

Then Master will request the Marshal / Senior Deacon escort the Grand Master to the East. On the cue of the Master the brethren will give the Grand Master the Private Grand Honors; the three signs of Masonry (do NOT clap). The Master will then offer him the hat, gavel and oriental chair. The Grand Master may chose to preside over the meeting or seat the craft at his discretion.

If the Grand Master is not present, the next ranking officer should be brought to the east. Prior to closing the lodge, the Master shall call upon distinguished guests for comments. Please refer to the order of ranking succession, and remember that once the highest ranking representative of the Grand Lodge speaks, the Lodge shall immediately proceed to close.  

James Gibson John Cissell

Grand Lodge of Kentucky Public Relations Manual Plan & Execute effective public relations in the community Thoroughly acquaint with Masonic activities and events Anticipate media questions- press releases, statements Setting objectives & goals

Press Statement What is the purpose of Masonry? To bring together men dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God with the opportunity to make new friends, do worthwhile things in their community and improve them in becoming better men in society. The door of opportunity is available for moral, ethical, and spiritual growth.

Public Relations Increase awareness of our Fraternity Understand the needs of the Lodge Review objectives Establish a 1 year goal Obtain a copy of the Master’s programs for the year Attend events at neighboring Lodges Attend Grand Lodge events Be a good communicator, in your lodge, community, and online…

MASONRY & Rick Howard Rick Tyler

Advent of Social Media From making a phone call to complete communications using the World Wide Web Cell phones, I pads, tablets, etc. Social Media can be an effective public relations tool, but can also damage the Fraternity if used improperly Setting boundaries Strive to maintain with integrity the dignified character of our profession

With power comes responsibility! Web Masonry- guidelines for establishing a web site Web Protocol- Manual for protocols regarding web pages & web sites Web Protocol for Social Networks-guidelines for establishing sites pertaining to Freemasonry on a Social Media Network Improper usage of this media can be the death of our fraternity…

MASONIC FUNERALS Cameron Poe Rick Howard

Constitution Sections 106, 113-117 Digest No. 7, 25 Have a Ritualist available Be prepared to perform the ritual yourself Have a system for notifying members Jurisdictional issues Contacting Funeral Home or Church Grand Master’s Resolution Masonic work on Sunday Dress Code Conducting Masonic rites on a demitted Mason

Thank You By example, a Mason extends the sphere of influence of moral values to his own community. Masonry emphasizes personal responsibility for one’s own conduct. Enlightenment through education is a basic tenet Masons strenuously support. Thank you for your dedication to the Fraternity and the basic principles that should at all times characterize Freemasonry.

Masonic Education Committee James Gibson Cameron Poe John Cissell Rick Tyler Ricky Howard Grand Lodge of Kentucky MWGM Chris Stout DGM Rick Nation GSW Wilson Wilder GJW Cloyd Bumgardner GSec Joe Conway GTres Tom Larimore

FOR A COPY OF THIS POWERPOINT PRESENTATION: EMAIL Please submit your name, email address, and Lodge #