Earth SeasonsShadowsSunPlanets
Question Column How long does it take for the Earth to make one rotation?
Answer Column hours or 1 day
Question Column Why does the Moon and Sun appear to move across the sky?
Answer Column The Earth Rotates on its axis
Question Column Where on Earth is the most direct sunlight?
Answer Column Equator
Question Column Because the moon orbit the Earth, what did you notice about the moon?
Answer Column The moon changes shape each day.
Question Column What are two characteristics of a meteor?
Answer Column It is made of rocks and it orbits a planet.
Answer Column Summer, fall, winter, spring
Question Column Name the seasons in order beginning with summer?
Question Column Look at the diagram from the front of your midterm. If Earth is in position D, what position will it be in 3 months?
Answer Column Position A - FALL
Question Column If it is fall and the Earth revolves for 6 months, what season will it be?
Answer Column spring
Question Column Describe the orientation of the Northern Hemisphere in the winter and summer.
Answer Column Summer – Northern Hemp. Is angled toward the sun. Winter – Northern Hemp. Is angled away from the sun.
Question Column What 2 things cause the seasons?
Answer Column Tilt of the Earth and the revolution around the sun.
Question Column What causes a shadow?
Answer Column Objects that block the sun’s rays from hitting the Earth
Question Column When are the shadows the shortest?
Answer Column Mid Day
Question Column When are shadows the longest?
Answer Column Early morning or Dawn and evening or Dusk
Question Column Why do the size of shadows change?
Answer Column Rotation of the Earth
Question Column If you went to each planet and stuck an American Flag in the ground, which planet would have the largest shadow at mid day and which planet would have the smallest shadow at mid day?
Answer Column Neptune would have the longest shadow Mercury would have the shortest.
Question Column What color is our closest star? What size is our closest star?
Answer Column Yellow Medium
Question Column Why are some stars different colors?
Answer Column Stars are different temperatures White – hot, yellow – medium, Red & Orange - cooler
Question Column If a star was closer to Earth than our sun, what would it look like?
Answer Column It may be hotter: White is hotest, Yellow is average, and Red and orange are cooler AND It could be bigger and Brighter
Question Column What does a moon orbit? What does an asteroid orbit? What does a comet orbit?
Answer Column Earth or planet Sun
Question Column What are three characteristics of a planet?
Answer Column No asteroids in its orbit. Revolves around the sun Shape is spherical
Question Column What causes the planets to orbit the Sun?
Answer Column Gravity
Question Column If it takes the Earth 365 days to revolve around the sun, which planet would have the next longest trip around the sun? Why?
Answer Column Mars, because it has the next longest orbit around the sun
Question Column On what planet would you be the oldest? Why?
Answer Column Mercury because it orbits the sun every 88 days.
Question Column What would the sun look like on these planets (compared to what it looks like on Earth)? Mercury? Saturn?
Answer Column Mercury – Larger and Brighter Saturn – Smaller and dimmer
Question Column Draw a Solar System. 1. label the planets and their orbits, 2. the Earth’s moon’s orbit.
Answer Column Be sure the moon orbits the Earth
Answer Column Deer gives carbon dioxide. Humans get oxygen.