1 ©2014 Boston Scientific Corporation or its affiliates. For internal use only. EP AA JUL2014 Flutter Assurance Program Note: In purple is the text removed on the PDF for external use
2 ©2014 Boston Scientific Corporation or its affiliates. For internal use only. EP AA JUL Flutter Assurance Program We stand firmly behind the reliability and performance of our Blazer™ II XP and Blazer Prime™ XP Temperature Ablation Catheters. NOW WE WOULD LIKE TO PASS THAT CONFIDENCE ON TO YOU! With the Assurance Program, we are offering to provide a free of charge replacement catheter should you(r physician) fail to break flutter or if flutter reoccurs within 12 months of the initial procedure. What is the program? Program covers the Blazer™ II XP or Blazer Prime™ XP Temperature Ablation catheters Catheter used to treat isthmus-dependent typical atrial flutter. Replacement catheter provided free of charge if there is a failure to block flutter or if patient presents with isthmus-dependent typical atrial flutter redo within 12 months of initial treatment.
3 ©2014 Boston Scientific Corporation or its affiliates. For internal use only. EP AA JUL Inclusion Criteria and conditions Inclusion Criteria; None Blazer™ user currently Must be first ablation procedure for the patient No redo procedures of a patient treated in another hospital Conditions; The following details on the case must be noted at the point of the initial procedure; Patient ID/Hospital Number Date of patients ablation procedure and physician name Catheter details used; Model and UPN Serial Number Catheter Details: The physician must use one of the following catheters to be part of the assurance program; Blazer™ II XP, Temperature Ablation Catheter Blazer Prime™ XP, Temperature Ablation Catheter If the patient presents in the hospital within a twelve month period after the initial procedure with a documented recurrence of atrial flutter the hospital will be entitled to a free of charge catheter from the following; Blazer™ II XP, Temperature Ablation Catheter Blazer Prime™ XP, Temperature Ablation Catheter Blazer™ Open-Irrigated, Ablation Catheter IntellaTip MiFi™ XP; Temperature Ablation Catheter There will be no restriction to replacement catheter choice based on which catheter was used in the initial procedure. We will offer the Blazer Open-Irrigated catheter as a free of charge replacement allowing for clinical practice (Flutter redos). Once the free of charge catheter is provided, there will be no further catheters provided free of charge. The free of charge catheter will be funded by EU EP Marketing Cost Centre. This payment will only be processed once the documentation has been completed by the sales person and this meets the conditions above.