Texas Department of Transportation Corpus Christi District Harbor Bridge Project U.S. 181 (Harbor Bridge)/SH 286 (Crosstown Expressway) Citizens Advisory Committee Meetings October 22-23, 2007
Welcome Victor Vourcos, P.E. Harbor Bridge Project Manager Texas Department of Transportation Corpus Christi District Office
Today’s Agenda Review the extended Harbor Bridge project and study limits Review status of Harbor Bridge project Discuss alternative alignments with preliminary right-of-way footprints Discuss alternatives evaluation matrix Discuss next steps in the project
Extended Harbor Bridge Project and Study Limits
Extension of Harbor Bridge Project and Study Limits FHWA Decision in late 2006 FHWA directed TxDOT to extend limits of project to include improvements on SH 286 (Crosstown Expressway) south to South Padre Island Dr (SPID) Extension includes improvements on I-37 from Staples Street to Shoreline Blvd. Extended limits allow for consideration of tolling strategies on SH 286 south to SH 358 (SPID)
Extension of Harbor Bridge Project and Study Limits Project Construction Limits – Area where construction would occur and may include additional right of way Study Limits – Area that may be indirectly affected by the project; no construction would occur and no right-of-way would be acquired.
Revised Project and Study Limits
Harbor Bridge Project Status
Summary of Project Phases Phase I Feasibility Study Completed in June 2003 Phase II Schematic and Environmental Documentation Current phase for the Harbor Bridge should be completed in 2009 Phase III Right-of-way map preparation and ROW acquisition for the preferred alternative Estimated completion: 2012 Phase IVSecure funding and construct project
Harbor Bridge Project Status Environmental Documentation Revised Notice of Intent published in Federal (3/20/07) and Texas (4/6/07) Registers Revised socio-economic environment draft section for extended limits Submitted draft Historic Resources Survey Report for original project limits and revised report for extended project limits Coordinated with the City of Corpus Christi concerning project effects on parks and other City facilities
Harbor Bridge Project Status Environmental Documentation (cont.) Revised environmental constraint maps to include extended project limits Completed socioeconomic analysis for environmental justice issues Completed some baseline chapters of Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Harbor Bridge Project Status Environmental Documentation (cont.) Need and Purpose revised to address new project and study limits –Identifies need for SH 286 Roadway Improvements –Addresses consideration of tolling options including managed lanes for SH 286 and US 181 (Harbor Bridge) –Addresses economic development –Considers no-build option
Harbor Bridge Project Status Public Involvement Activities CAC meetings (Corpus Christi and Portland) Mar 2006 Newsletter #2Apr 2006 Public MeetingApr 2006 Meetings with neighborhood groups adjacent to SH 286 (Crosstown Expressway): –April 24, 2007 – Kelsey Memorial United Methodist Church –April 25, 2007 – Boys and Girls Club Newsletter #3 May 2007 Agency and public scoping meetings May 2007 CAC meetings (Corpus Christi and Portland)Oct 2007
Harbor Bridge Project Status Schematic Development Established alternative alignments within red and orange corridors: north, south, east Developed typical cross-sections to accommodate future travel demand (US 181 (Harbor Bridge), SH 286, I-37) Developed preliminary right-of-way footprints– allows for determination of displacements, relocations and effects on other resources
Project Schedule Complete Revised Need and Purpose – Fall 2007 Revise schematics for new project limits – Fall 2007 Hold CAC meeting – Fall 2007 Hold public meeting – Spring 2008 Complete draft EIS – Fall 2008 Hold Public Hearing – 2009 Complete final EIS/Record of Decision – 2009 Acquire right-of way – 2009 – 2012 Construction – Depends on availability of funding
Alignment Alternatives and Preliminary Right-of-Way Footprints
Development of Alternative Alignments Project limits extended south and east Project divided into segments: north, south and east based on two of the original corridors. Multiple alternatives developed for the south and east areas in addition to the previously identified red and orange corridor locations Developed typical cross-sections to accommodate future travel demand (US 181-Harbor Bridge, SH 286, I-37) Potential right-of-way footprints identified
Development of Alternative Alignments Break for review of schematics Proposed access points Potential right-of-way impacts Proposed typical roadway cross-sections
Alternatives Evaluation
Why a Matrix? Allow comparison of alternatives Look at effects of alternatives on environmental/socioeconomic issues Quantify potential effects Compare engineering issues associated with alternatives
Next Steps in the Project
Next Steps Public Involvement Activities Additional meetings of Citizens’ Advisory Committees in 2008 and 2009 Public Meeting in Spring 2008 Newsletters Website with continuously updated information Neighborhood meetings as requested Publish draft EIS for public review in Fall 2008 Public Hearing in 2009
Next Steps Value Engineering Workshop Allows TxDOT/consultants not associated with project to review proposed Harbor Bridge Project Project will be reviewed to determine feasibility and areas where resources can be used most efficiently To be held in late 2007/early 2008
Public Meeting Location Information to be covered Your ideas?
Contact information Victor Vourcos, P.E. TxDOT Project Manager TxDOT Corpus Christi District 1701 S. Padre Island Drive Corpus Christi, Texas Phone: