What makes an effective speech? What do you know about speeches? Tell about one you have read, seen on a video or TV, or heard about. Can you tell me?
1.Know the audience 2.Say something new 3.Focus on key points 4.Inspire Good points to remember… I should know! By the close of this presentation, you will be able to identify the 4 parts of an effective speech in an authentic speech. americanrhetoric.com. (2001-present)
Be sincere Know what the audience cares about Microsoft® Clip Art
Say something motivating. Say something encouraging. Create an atmosphere that builds hope for the audience’s future. What do you hope for the future? 2. Say Something new Bloomberg, (2013)
Speak with a purpose. Tell a story- connect with your audience. 3. Focus on key points! Microsoft® Clip Art
During World War 2, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt filled the airwaves with his memorable and inspirational speeches on the radio. Adolf Hitler motvated a generation of Germans to follow his lead. What might be memorable about their speeches? Warehouse13, (2013) (2013)
What makes an effective speech? End with a message that challenges the audience to think and act. 4. Inspire Microsoft® Clip Art
1 Know your audience 2 Say something new 3 Focus on key points 4 Inspire These make an effective speech.
In 1992, 12 year old Severn Suzuki spoke at the United Nation’s Earth Summit in Brazil. She said, “I am here to speak for all generations to come...” Nishida, (2007) Let’s read the text of Severn’s speech. As you read, highlight words or phrases you feel show examples of an effective speech. Nishida, (2007)
She knows her audience She says something new As you watch Severn deliver her speech, Check the boxes where you feel she includes parts of an effective speech. She focuses on key points She inspires Click to view Severn’s video
Share something you noticed. ____________________________________