Multidimensional data processing
x 1G [x 1G, x 2G ] x 2G
select intervals of different variables combine the limiting intervals together look for holes, peaks, valleys, gaps density variations regularities and irregularities interesting for negative correlations
uses different geometry needs a mind shift data mining offers much more than just data mining
preserve information – dataset may be fully reconstructed from the visualization reveal multivariate relations treat each variable uniformly are not limited by number of dimensions have low complexity – low computational cost of constructing the visualization are invariant to translation, rotation and scaling have mathematical/algorithmic background – ensure unambiguity
typically small intense line chart without axes, coordinates, frames shows only important information (trend) word-sized, graphic is no longer separated from text
originally moving bubble chart moving bar chart moving line chart designed to show variable changes over time acquired by Google in 2007 available as Google Motion Chart part of Google Chart Tools
visualizations are no longer passive images interactivity enable us to create completely new types of visualizations it’s not just mouse-over text it is still important to maintain properties of good visualizations otherwise it may become useless although visually pleasant is pie chart dead?