Debating the Case GDI 2013
Glossary Aff case Advantage Offense Defense Card Analytic
The Stock Issues S – Solvency H – Harms I – Inherency T – Topicality (S) – Significance Debating the case means discussing which stock issues?
Stock Issues Kitty
AFF – Goals of debating the case For the Aff, the case is which category of argument? DEFEND THE HOUSE Ensure you win the stock issues Defeat negative objections Outweigh the negative’s offense It all begins in the … ABF – always be flowing
Defending the House
NEG – Goals of Debating the Case Stock issues in reverse: Creating doubt on every level Minimizing the AFF in order to make NEG offense outweigh Diversity – Make multiple TYPES of arguments – Cuba aff example Early speeches create many options; later speeches collapse ABF When does debating the case begin?
Types of Case Defense No uniqueness – Ex. US has plenty of influence now No link or no internal link – Ex. Cuban drilling is safe No impact – Ex. The US and China will never go to war No solvency – Ex. US drilling is unsafe
Types of Case Offense Link/internal link turn – US drilling hurts the environment (worse than Cuba) Impact turn – US influence bad (Chinese influence good)
Anticipate your opponent’s arguments in advance
Importance of the case “Policy” debate – what’s the policy? Foundation of the debate All arguments trace back to whether the case is a good or bad idea Point of comparison – Status quo – CP – K alternative
1AC & CX What does the 1AC say? 1AC has built-in responses to the 1NC All 4 debaters working – what’s each one doing? Cross-ex – everyone has a goal
1NC & CX How much time to spend on the case? – Depends on your individual strategy and speed – 3 minutes is a good rule Structure – Alternate evidence with analytics – Incorporate arguments from 1AC CX – Cover every advantage, solvency – Diversity: different types of arguments What are all 4 debaters doing?
2AC & CX Case goes 1 st or “on top” – why? Answer arguments in order; keep flow organized Use the 1AC 2AC Blocks Grouping arguments/cross-applying What are all 4 debaters doing? Job of the 1N during CX
2NC/1NR (Block) Extend 1NC argument Answer 2AC responses Explain the IMPLICATIONS of the argument – “This takes out the entire aff because…” Read more evidence – when? Why? Begin making choices – both substantive and strategic Discussion of impacts How to divide the block? Make the 1AR’s life difficult
1AR Case still goes first in the order Why is the 1AR hard? Job of the 1AR – DEFEND THE HOUSE Make choices (doesn’t mean dropping arguments) Cross-application, efficiency Time allocation Goal: give the 2AR the necessary tools
2NR Make choices Which arguments to extend? Depth vs. breadth Covering the bases Why is the case still important in the 2NR?
2AR Order – still first Most important part of the 2AR Assess the threats Choose route to victory – Which impact(s)? – Impact comparison Write the ballot for the judge – “The case outweighs because…”