1. DEVELOP THE PROJECT QUESTION/PURPOSE Find a relevant topic of interest Write a question to be answered (How, What, When, Which, or Why?) Write down ideas in Science Fair Logbook
2. BUILD YOUR BACKGROUND BY CONDUCTING RESEARCH Use a minimum of three sources of information on the topic Use scholarly sources (Don’t cite search engines) Cite sources in APA format (with in-text citations) You want to be able to build on the experience of others Background research helps you understand theory and informs the experimental design Record information in the Science Fair Logbook
3. DEVELOP A FAIR TEST Identify Variables Independent Variable – the factor that will changed Dependent Variable – the factor that will be measured Change only one variable at a time and keep all other conditions the same (constants) Does it answer the question? Record identified variables and constants in the Science Fair Logbook
4. DEVELOP A TESTABLE HYPOTHESIS Predict the outcome of the experiment The hypothesis should include the independent and dependent variables Record the hypothesis in Science Fair Logbook
5. CREATE THE EXPERIMENT --A SOUND PROCEDURE Identify needed materials Identify test groups Experimental Group(s) - Trials when independent variable is changed. Control Group – Trial when independent variable is not changed. Constants and Variable are controlled Make sure the experiment is safe Repeat the procedure at least 3 times Record each step in the Science Fair Logbook Is this Sound?
6. CONDUCT THE EXPERIMENT AND ANALYZE THE RESULTS Measurements are made accurately and precisely Collect data in a table in the Science Fair Logbook Graph data Analyze data
CONCLUDE Summarize the data and highlight significant data, differences, and/or trends Summarize the science fair and use this summary to support the conclusion project results Summarize how the results support or refute the original hypothesis Include key facts from the background research to help explain the results as needed If appropriate, state the relationship between the independent and dependent variable Summarize and evaluate your experimental procedure, making comments about its success and effectiveness Suggest changes in the experimental procedure (or design) and/or possibilities for further study
Abstract Title Page Table of Contents Introduction: Background Research, Purpose, Question, Variables, Hypothesis Materials and Procedure Results (Tables Graphs) Discussion of Data Analysis Conclusions References (APA Format) See page23 of “What Makes a Good Science Fair Project?”
THE DISPLAY BOARD See pages of “What Makes a Good Science Fair Project?”
THE DISPLAY BOARD Organize it like a newspaper The title should be easily read from across the room Use at least 16 font for text Use tables, graphs, diagrams, and photos (no pictures of people) The logbook, abstract and paperwork should be present with the display board. It should be neat, attractive, organized, and without distractions. See pages of “What Makes a Good Science Fair Project?” There are rules about what can and can’t be present - See Regulations.See Regulations