FOSS4G in KOREA : Challenges & strategies Byong Nam Choe 16th, Sep 2015 FOSS4G in KOREA : Challenges & strategies The Way to Strengthen FOSS4G Value-chain for the Sustainable GIS Ecosystem National Geographic Information Institute Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byong Nam Choe
Contents Current status Challenges Strategies Concluding Remarks
Overview of NSDI Policy in Korea Intelligent space 5th NSDI plan 2013-2017 $433,565,000 (2013-2014) Decision support 4th NSDI plan 2010-2012 $761,130,000 Integration 3rd NGIS plan 2006-2009 $624,457,000 Application 2nd NGIS plan 2001-2005 $400,581,000 Digitalization 1st NGIS plan 1995-2000 $245,367,000
Geospatial Information Applications
GIS SW Used in Local Government 58 7 Proprietary GIS SW Open source DBMS Source: 스마트정부 구현을 위한 공간정보시스템 클라우드화 전략 연구(김미정 외, 2015, 국토연구원; 현재 진행 과제)
GIS SW Used in Collage/Graduate School Source : Youngok Kang. AeTti Kang. HoeYoon Kwon, An Analysis of Open Source GIS Software Ecosystem in Korea, KSIS, Vol.22 No. 6, December 2014
Problem in Using FOSS4G in Korea Source : Youngok Kang. AeTti Kang. HoeYoon Kwon, An Analysis of Open Source GIS Software Ecosystem in Korea, KSIS, Vol.22 No. 6, December 2014
Feedback Loop of FOSS4G + Development cooperation + + R3 + FOSS4G application service + Proprietary GIS application service - + + R1 + + FOSS4G development + Competitiveness gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) FOSS4G community activity + + Education & research activity + + + R2 FOSS4G firm business R4 - R5 + Proprietary GIS firm business + Preference gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) Education & research application Diverse FOSS4G Sharing FOSS4G application project Proprietary GIS application project
Relationship & Value Chain of Ecosystem Development cooperation + + R3 + FOSS4G application service Proprietary GIS firm business + application service - project R5 FOSS4G development + R1 + Competitiveness gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) FOSS4G community activity + Education & research activity + FOSS4G firm business R4 - R2 + + + + + Preference gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) Education & research application + Diverse FOSS4G Sharing + FOSS4G application project
Relationship & Value Chain of Ecosystem Development cooperation + + R3 + FOSS4G application service Proprietary GIS firm business + application service - project R5 FOSS4G development + R1 + Competitiveness gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) FOSS4G community activity + Education & research activity + FOSS4G firm business R4 - R2 + + + + + Preference gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) Education & research application + Diverse FOSS4G Sharing + FOSS4G application project
Relationship & Value Chain of Ecosystem National FOSS4G Ecosystem FOSS4G community activity + Development cooperation development Education & research Sharing Diverse Education & research application R1 R2 R3 + FOSS4G application service + - Proprietary GIS application service + Competitiveness gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) + FOSS4G firm business + - R4 R5 Proprietary GIS firm business Preference gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) FOSS4G application project Proprietary GIS application project Global FOSS4G Ecosystem Global Proprietary GIS Ecosystem
Advantage & Competitiveness Advantages of Proprietary GIS 1. Professional service 2. Continuous support 3. Easy to use 4. Reliability 5. Functionalities Advantages of FOSS4G 1. Cheaper price 2. Source code access 3. Community review 4. Quicker bug fix 5. More standard based 1. Cheaper price FOSS4G Firms create
Business Model of Korean FOSS4G Firm subscription support & education strategic consulting dual licensing host service advertisement model sponsor packaging Gia3D Inc. △ Agadosergon Inc. Engis Inc. E3 Inc. Mango System Inc. CE Technology Inc. Korea Environment Science & Technology Inc. GnT solution Inc. Source : Youngok Kang. AeTti Kang. HoeYoon Kwon, An Analysis of Open Source GIS Software Ecosystem in Korea, KSIS, Vol.22 No. 6, December 2014
Vicious Cycle & High Market Share + Development cooperation + + R3 FOSS4G application service - Proprietary GIS application service FOSS4G development + + + + R1 + Diverse FOSS4G + Proprietary GIS firm business + Competitiveness gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) FOSS4G community activity Sharing + Education & research activity + + Education & research application + R2 FOSS4G firm business R4 Proprietary GIS application project - R5 + + FOSS4G application project + Preference gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS)
Critical Mass of the Vicious Cycle + Development cooperation + + R3 FOSS4G application service - Proprietary GIS application service FOSS4G development + + + + R1 + Diverse FOSS4G + Proprietary GIS firm business + Competitiveness gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) FOSS4G community activity Sharing + Education & research activity + + Education & research application + R2 FOSS4G firm business R4 Proprietary GIS application project - R5 + + FOSS4G application project + Preference gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS)
Critical Mass of the Vicious Cycle + Development cooperation + + R3 + FOSS4G application service + - Proprietary GIS application service FOSS4G development + + R1 + Diverse FOSS4G + Proprietary GIS firm business + Competitiveness gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) FOSS4G community activity Sharing + Education & research activity + + Education & research application + R2 FOSS4G firm business R4 Proprietary GIS application project - R5 + + + Preference gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) FOSS4G application project
Policy for Enabling Environment + Development cooperation + + R3 FOSS4G application service - Proprietary GIS application service FOSS4G development + + + + R1 + R4 Diverse FOSS4G + Proprietary GIS firm business + Supporting community + Competitiveness gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) FOSS4G community activity Sharing + Education & research activity + Education & research application + R2 FOSS4G education/PR + FOSS4G firm business Proprietary GIS application project - R5 + + Supporting FOSS4G education + + Supporting FOSS4G R&D + + R4-1 Preference gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) + FOSS4G application project Supporting FOSS4G application +
NGII’s Strategies for Stimulating FOSS4G + Development cooperation + + R3 FOSS4G application service - Proprietary GIS application service FOSS4G development + + + + R1 + Diverse FOSS4G + Proprietary GIS firm business + Competitiveness gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) FOSS4G community activity Sharing + Education & research activity + Education & research application + R2 FOSS4G firm business + R4 Proprietary GIS application project - R5 FOSS4G application best practice + + + + Preference gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) FOSS4G application project + Interoperability + Sharing geospatial information + + FOSS4G based NGI platform
Concluding Remarks
Competitive & Cooperative Ecosystem National FOSS4G Ecosystem Development cooperation + + R3 + FOSS4G application service + - Proprietary GIS application service FOSS4G development + + R1 + + Competitiveness gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) FOSS4G community activity Education & research activity + FOSS4G firm business R4 - R5 R2 + Proprietary GIS firm business + + + + + Preference gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) Education & research application + Diverse FOSS4G Sharing + FOSS4G application project Proprietary GIS application project Global FOSS4G Ecosystem Global Proprietary GIS Ecosystem
Competitive & Cooperative Ecosystem National FOSS4G Ecosystem Development cooperation + + R3 + FOSS4G application service + - Proprietary GIS application service FOSS4G development + R1 + + Competitiveness gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) FOSS4G community activity + Education & research activity + FOSS4G firm business + - R4 R5 R2 Proprietary GIS firm business + + + Preference gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) Education & research application + Diverse FOSS4G Sharing + FOSS4G application project Proprietary GIS application project Global FOSS4G Ecosystem Global Proprietary GIS Ecosystem
Competitive & Cooperative Ecosystem National FOSS4G Ecosystem Development cooperation + + R3 + FOSS4G application service - Proprietary GIS application service FOSS4G development + + R1 + + Competitiveness gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) FOSS4G community activity + Education & research activity + FOSS4G firm business R4 - R5 R2 + Proprietary GIS firm business + + + + Preference gap (FOSS4G-proprietary GIS) Education & research application + Diverse FOSS4G Sharing + FOSS4G application project Proprietary GIS application project Global FOSS4G Ecosystem Global Proprietary GIS Ecosystem