Autism Developmental disability that significantly affects a student’s verbal and nonverbal communication, social interaction, and education performance. Pervasive Developmental Disorder Autism Spectrum Disorder
Characteristics Language development Wide range of abilities (no verbal communication to complex communication Typically have a number of language impairments Delays-limited topics, limited interactions on a topic, limited gestures, reverses pronouns, lack of eye contact Echolalia-repeating what others say
Social Development Impaired use of nonverbal behavior Lack of peer relationships Failure to spontaneously share enjoyment, interests, and achievements with others Lack of reciprocity
Repetitive Behavior Obsessions Persistent thoughts, impulses, images of repetitive nature Tics Involuntary, rapid movements that occur without warning Perseveration Verbalizations or behaviors that are repeated to an inappropriate extent
Problem Behavior Self Injurious Behavior Head banging, biting, scratching Aggression Behavior directed toward others Problem behaviors can serve a communicative function
Need for Environmental Predictability Predictability and structure Changes can cause high degree of anxiety Things in their place Classroom supports (schedules,routines) Planning for transitions/changes
Sensory and Movement Disorders Sensory 42-88% of persons with Autism/Asperger Syndrome Under or over responsiveness to sensory stimuli Movement Abnormal posture Abnormal movements of face, head, trunk, limbs, repeated gestures & mannerisms
Intellectual Functioning Autism occurs in children with all levels of intelligence (gifted to mental retardation) 72% have some type of limited cognitive functioning Savant syndrome