Rise of the Aztecs
Aztlan Mythical homeland of the Aztecs Means land of the white herons located on an island in a lake in west or northwestern Mexico--possibly Nayarit Aztecs leave around 1111 a.d. in a southern migration Led by their main God--Huitzilopochtli
Huitzilopochtli Aztec God of the Sun and War Gave them a new name: Mexica Tells them of the prophesy--to build a city “where an eagle was seen sitting on a cactus, holding a snake in its mouth.” Arrive in Valley of Mexico around begin Tenochtitlan
Tenochtitlan Founded by the Aztecs around or 1355 Tribe split into two One group under chief Tenoch founded the southern capital--Tenochtitlan One group formed Tlatelolco.
Aztec turning points 1367-served as mercenaries for Atzcapotzalco ruled by Tezozomoc 1375-received their first ruler fom Tezozomoc--Acamapichtli
Acamapichtli First Aztec ruler Established the ruling nobility or dynastic rulers All subsequent rulers related to Acamapichtli Began the Aztec course as an empire- established the Aztec militaristic tradition
Tlacaelel Chief advisor to several Aztec rulers Rewrote Aztec histories--depicting the Aztecs as people of destiny, destined for greatness Aztecs develop a mystic-vision of themselves
Tlacaelel Reinstituted the Xochiyaoyotl--Flower Wars Established the triple alliance –an alliance of Tenochtitlan, Texcoco and Tlacopan –To share in tribute collection, political domination and to gain captives for sacrifice.
Tizoc Aztec ruler from May have been poisoned by a conspiracy led by Tlacaelel due to indecisive and ineffective leadership
Motecuhzoma II Ruled from Believed in legend of Quetzalcoatl Beset by omens during the early 16th century Considered a weak leader that surrendered to Cortez Died under controversial circumstances
Cuitlahuac Ruled the Mexica in 1520 Died of the first smallpox epidemic-the most potent weapon of the conquest.
Cuahutemoc Ruled the Mexica from Considered a symbol of heroism and bravery due to his resistance to the Spanish Rallied the Mexica against the Spanish Executed and quartered by the Spaniards in 1525 in central America or southern Mexico